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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-03-07
核心提示:摘要:星巴克与百事昨日(11-1)在上海共同宣布,星巴克瓶装星冰乐即饮咖啡饮料从即日起将在中国国内上市供应。这款纵情美味的瓶装星冰乐咖啡饮料将在星巴克门店以外为消费者带来独特的星巴克体验,方便消费者在家庭、工作或途中享受他们心爱的星巴克美味。 据悉,星巴克


    据悉,星巴克与百事公司成立的新的合资企业 — “国际咖啡伙伴”(International Coffee Partnership, ICP),将有助于双方借助百事公司的饮料分销渠道,把新型的、振奋人心的星巴克®即饮咖啡饮料推向市场。星巴克与百事公司的合作也将为中国的高端即饮咖啡饮料市场的发展带来新的模式和发展思路。同时,凭借创新的市场营销,会让中国的消费者体验到“国际咖啡伙伴”为瓶装星冰乐打造的独特的营销组合。


    星巴克咖啡公司董事长霍华德•舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)在此间表示:“享用星巴克咖啡的最佳方式当然是在星巴克的门店点上一杯由星巴克资深咖啡师亲手调制的咖啡。星巴克门店堪称是家庭和工作之外的‘第三生活空间’。然而,我们也了解,我们的顾客无法随时惠顾星巴克门店。不过,随着瓶装星冰乐®咖啡饮料登陆中国市场,星巴克咖啡将成为消费者在门店内外‘唾手可得’的美味体验。”


    Starbucks Corp today started selling bottled coffee.

    Starbucks will sell bottled Frappuccino in its stores in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong as well as selected convenience and grocery stores and other retailers, company chairman Howard Schultz said in Shanghai today.

    All the products will be produced by the International Coffee Partnership, a joint venture between Starbucks and Pepsi Co in the United States. 

    The company is also considering local production in order to cut costs.

    The 280ml bottled frappuccino, which comes in its two top-selling flavors, Mocha and Coffee, will be priced at 15 yuan (US$2) to 20 yuan in the three cities.

    Seattle-based Starbucks has rapidly added new stores in China as well as broadening its production channels as it forecasts the country will become its biggest overseas market. 

    "The most important number one growth market in terms of growth and development for Starbucks around the world is China," said Schultz."It's just the beginning of the growth we have planned for China." 

    Since the bottled drinks were introduced in North America in the mid 1990s they have generated US$1 billion in sales.

    The coffee chain entered China in 1998 with its first store in Beijing. It now has about 600 stores in China including 300 on the mainland with over 10,000 employees. Last year, it opened 80 stores in China.

关键词: 星巴克 咖啡 中国
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