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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-05-11
核心提示:The 2008 election ended the reign of junk science in our nations capital, and the chances of meaningful action on climate change, probably through a cap-and-trade system on emissions, have risen sharply. But the opponents of action claim that limiti

The 2008 election ended the reign of junk science in our nation’s capital, and the chances of meaningful action on climate change, probably through a cap-and-trade system on emissions, have risen sharply.

But the opponents of action claim that limiting emissions would have devastating effects on the U.S. economy. So it’s important to understand that just as denials that climate change is happening are junk science, predictions of economic disaster if we try to do anything about climate change are junk economics.

Yes, limiting emissions would have its costs. As a card-carrying economist, I cringe when “green economy” enthusiasts insist that protecting the environment would be all gain, no pain.

But the best available estimates suggest that the costs of an emissions-limitation program would be modest, as long as it’s implemented gradually. And committing ourselves now might actually help the economy recover from its current slump.

Let’s talk first about those costs.

A cap-and-trade system would raise the price of anything that, directly or indirectly, leads to the burning of fossil fuels. Electricity, in particular, would become more expensive, since so much generation takes place in coal-fired plants.

Electric utilities could reduce their need to purchase permits by limiting their emissions of carbon dioxide — and the whole point of cap-and-trade is, of course, to give them an incentive to do just that. But the steps they would take to limit emissions, such as shifting to other energy sources or capturing and sequestering much of the carbon dioxide they emit, would without question raise their costs.

If emission permits were auctioned off — as they should be — the revenue thus raised could be used to give consumers rebates or reduce other taxes, partially offsetting the higher prices. But the offset wouldn’t be complete. Consumers would end up poorer than they would have been without a climate-change policy.

But how much poorer? Not much, say careful researchers, like those at the Environmental Protection Agency or the Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Even with stringent limits, says the M.I.T. group, Americans would consume only 2 percent less in 2050 than they would have in the absence of emission limits. That would still leave room for a large rise in the standard of living, shaving only one-twentieth of a percentage point off the average annual growth rate.

To be sure, there are many who insist that the costs would be much higher. Strange to say, however, such assertions nearly always come from people who claim to believe that free-market economies are wonderfully flexible and innovative, that they can easily transcend any constraints imposed by the world’s limited resources of crude oil, arable land or fresh water.

So why don’t they think the economy can cope with limits on greenhouse gas emissions? Under cap-and-trade, emission rights would just be another scarce resource, no different in economic terms from the supply of arable land.

Needless to say, people like Newt Gingrich, who says that cap-and-trade would “punish the American people,” aren’t thinking that way. They’re just thinking “capitalism good, government bad.” But if you really believe in the magic of the marketplace, you should also believe that the economy can handle emission limits just fine.

So we can afford a strong climate change policy. And committing ourselves to such a policy might actually help us in our current economic predicament.

Right now, the biggest problem facing our economy is plunging business investment. Businesses see no reason to invest, since they’re awash in excess capacity, thanks to the housing bust and weak consumer demand.

But suppose that Congress were to mandate gradually tightening emission limits, starting two or three years from now. This would have no immediate effect on prices. It would, however, create major incentives for new investment — investment in low-emission power plants, in energy-efficient factories and more.

To put it another way, a commitment to greenhouse gas reduction would, in the short-to-medium run, have the same economic effects as a major technological innovation: It would give businesses a reason to invest in new equipment and facilities even in the face of excess capacity. And given the current state of the economy, that’s just what the doctor ordered.

This short-run economic boost isn’t the main reason to move on climate-change policy. The important thing is that the planet is in danger, and the longer we wait the worse it gets. But it is an extra reason to move quickly.

So can we afford to save the planet? Yes, we can. And now would be a very good time to get started.

2008年的总统大选终结了“垃圾科学”在美国首都的主导地位。采取有意义的行动,应对气候变化的几率——或许通过实施排放物的“总量管制和交易” 制度(cap-and-trade)——已经陡然增加。





“总量管制和交易” 制度会提高任何一种直接,或间接导致化石燃料燃烧的事物的价格。尤其是,电会变得更加昂贵,因为这么多代人以来,电都是燃煤发电厂生产出来的。

电力部门可以通过限制二氧化碳排放量的方式,减少它们购买“排放许可权”的需要——当然, “总量管制和交易”制度的要旨就是激励它们这样做。但是,电力行业为了限制排放而采取的各种措施——例如,转向其他能源、捕获并隔离它们排放的大量二氧化碳——无疑会提高其运营成本。


但是,到底会多开支多少呢?不会很多,包括美国环保署(Environmental Protection Agency),以及麻省理工学院(MIT)“排放预测和政策分析小组”在内的一些审慎的研究者作出这样的表示。MIT小组的研究表明,即使实施严苛的限制,美国人在2050年的消费量也只会比没有排放限制的消费量,少2个百分点。这依然会给生活标准的巨大提升留下空间,这样做仅仅会使经济的年均增速减少二十分之一个百分点。


那么,他们为什么不相信美国经济有能力应对温室气体的排放限制呢?在“总量管制和交易” 制度下,排放权只不过是另一种稀缺资源而已,在经济学术语上,这与耕地的供应并没有什么不同之处。

不必说,像纽特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)这样的人——他说,“总量管制和交易” 制度将“惩罚美国民众”——并不是这么想的。他们只是认为,“资本主义是好的,政府是坏的”。但是,如果你真得信奉市场的魔力,你也应该相信,美国经济应对排放限制的能力是没有问题的。








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