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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-06-30
核心提示:As we all know, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen opens this week. If you are a true fanboy, you'll skip work and go see the flick at the afternoon showing. If you feel like you can't skip work to go see a movie, here are ten reasons that will h

    As we all know, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen opens this week. If you are a true fanboy, you'll skip work and go see the flick at the afternoon showing. If you feel like you can't skip work to go see a movie, here are ten reasons that will hopefully persuade you to play sick for the afternoon:

    10: Fred Jones is in it.Not really, but legendary voice actor Frank Welker is. While he provided the voice of Fred on Scooby-Doo, he also was the dulcet tones behind such Transformers greats as Megatron, Soundwave, Skywarp, Lazerbeak, Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, and Buzzsaw. He voices Soundwave & Devastator in Fallen.

    9: Megan Fox is in it.While there are rumors that she's actually CGI-animated herself, Megan Fox is proving that she's much more than just eye candy. She's eye candy that can run really fast from giant CGI robots.

    8: All right-for the ladies-Josh Duhamel is in it.It's only fair. Look at that jawline! While Shia LaBeouf is the hero of Fallen, Josh is the beefcake.

    7: Lots of things blow up.To put it simply, Michael Bay likes to destroy pretty much everything. Even if the plot is vacant (see: Bad Boys II) or if he's slaughtering history (see: Pearl Harbor) there is always plenty of action. Not bad for a guy who used to direct Meat Loaf music videos.

    6: It'll knock The Proposal out of the Top 10 Box Office. Let's put the shlock romantic comedies to bed for the rest of the year, or at least the remainder of the summer. First Fallen then G.I. Joe and Harry Potter are sure to keep them down for a while.

    5: The Constructicons are in it.Remember this line of Decepticons? They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator. One of the best Transformers toys ever.

    4: Peter Cullen is still the voice of Optimus Prime.He damn well better be. The studio probably didn't want to even bother considering a Transformers movie until Cullen signed on. The fan outcry when the first one was in the works was so huge, that there was no chance it would have made any money without him. Prime only has one voice.

    3: It's coming out in the middle of the week.Which means it's not coming out on the weekend. Which means you'll only have one night instead of three to see it before going into work the next day and being the only fanboy that hasn't seen it. You really want to be that guy?

    2: It's not Wolverine.Which means it's a movie full of giant space robots beating the crap out of each other. That is, no matter what happens you won't be set up for disappointment.

    1: There is no school.It's summer. Your kids don't need an excuse to be pulled out of school to go see a movie. You're the only one that needs an excuse. And now you've got ten. Go get your kids and a couple giant tubs of popcorn and let me know how awesome it is… I don't get out of work until five.


    10:影片中有Fred Jones.不完全是这样,但是里面有传说中的配音演员Frank Welker.他曾在动画片《史酷比》中为Fred配音,《变形金刚1》中他为威震天、声波、闹翻天、激光鸟、轰隆隆、迷乱、机器狗以及锯齿鸟这些变形金刚们配音。《变形金刚2》中声波和大力神由他配音。

    9:影片中有Megan Fox.外界传言实际上她的部分是利用CGI动画技术拍摄的,然而Megan Fox在影片中证明了她不仅仅只是个花瓶。她的华而不实比巨大的CGI机器人变化还要快。

    8:是的,对女人们来说,重要的是Josh Duhamel在里面。很公平嘛。看看他下巴的线条!如果说饰演Sam的Shia LaBeouf是《变形金刚2》的英雄,那么Josh就是美型男。

    7:影片中有不少爆炸场面。简而言之,就是导演Michael Bay喜欢破坏几乎任何事物。即使影片情节空洞(见《坏男孩2》),或者屠杀历史(见《珍珠港》),动作场面总是不会少的。对于曾经导演Meat Loaf的MV的他来说相当不错了。



    4:擎天柱仍由Peter Cullen配音。他绝对做得更好。Cullen加入之后,制片厂可能根本就不会为一部变形金刚电影烦恼。当第一部出来时,粉丝的尖叫声如此之大,人们毫不怀疑因为他这部电影才能赚到钱。擎天柱只能有一个声音。




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