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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-07-28  来源:食品翻译中心
核心提示:还记得儿时的经典动画片《猫和老鼠》吗?每一期里Tom 都会用各种计谋各种工具各种武器想杀死Jerry饱餐一顿,但Jerry 总是有办法依依破解逃之夭夭,即使是 Tom 把它吞进了肚子里也总能起死回生。。
Almost every episode starts with a desperate scream of how to eat Jerry! Tom uses every strategy, tools and weapons to kill Jerry, and Jerry keeps finding relevant means of way to escape. He comes out unhurt even if Tom successfully swallows him. Sometimes, the fight takes an ugly and destructive shape compelling Jerry to uses explosives to blow up Tom’s face or portion of body but he never intends to kill him. After the temporary journey of pain, sufferings, and tortures, Jerry always wins and proves size does not always matter. Both Tom and Jerry have their own challenges, adversaries but they were born to never give up; they bounce back with victories.
还记得儿时的经典动画片《猫和老鼠》吗?每一期里Tom 都会用各种计谋各种工具各种武器想杀死Jerry饱餐一顿,但Jerry 总是有办法依依破解逃之夭夭,即使是 Tom 把它吞进了肚子里也总能起死回生。有时候战争异常激烈,经过痛苦折磨甚至极端的虐待后,Jerry 总有高招让 Tom 狼狈不堪,但却完全没有杀死这个大天敌的意思。两个小家伙都有自己的烦恼和挑战,不过从没有放弃的念头,就像打不死的“小强”。

Here are 10 life lessons we can learn from these two legendary cartoon characters:

1. We fight with our nearest and dearest ones because we feel it is our right. Well, it doesn’t really matter how much or how many times we fight; what matters is do we provide emotional security in the face of threats? Do we offer our shoulders when they are in need of us or stand by them when they feel isolated? Do we let them feel the indissoluble bond with them? Do you share our happiness in the wonderland of life?

2. If you are witty and poised then your size does not matter at all. A weak might get frightened for a moment but he can win over the strongest with his intelligence and great wits. Jerry doesn’t do heroic works, he just makes the best use of his brain and wins. If you ever feel lost, humiliated, disappointed, or weak, return to yourself and try to explore your strength. “you never know how strong you are… until being strong is the only choice you have.” ― Cayla Mills
如果你机智又淡定,就不要担心自己的身材矮小。身体上的虚弱可能会带来一时的恐惧,但你可以用头脑战胜最强大的敌人。Jerry 并没有惊人的壮举,只是不断开动大脑,最后也总能取胜。如果感觉失败,羞耻,失落或者是脆弱,不要气馁,你的潜能其实很大。当变得强大成了你唯一的选择后,你才能知道自己到底可以有多强大。

3. Confidence matters. Eleanor Roosevelt has said it best, “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Jerry ultimately wins and brims with confidence. He knows very well how to escape all the obstacles regardless of how many times he stumbles on it.
自信很重要。只有你自己才会认为自己是失败者,没人能强加给你。Jerry 每次都能获胜是因为每次获胜都充满着自信,不管失败过多少次,它都相信自己有办法应付各种困难。

4. At times, your best friend might behave roughly or seem to be your greatest enemy. It’s not the time to express your anger in foul language and prove him or her wrong. It is quite likely that your friend expects you to be more sensible and wise in difficult situations and wants you to acknowledge your mistake. Compassion and love are expressed in a variety of ways anger is one of them.

5. A little home, sufficient food and a true friend are enough to be happy.

6. Sometimes we don’t actually learn from our failures, Tom attacks Jerry in almost the same patterns and as usual Jerry escapes.
有时我们并没有从失败中吸取教训,就像 Tom 大多数使用的方法 Jerry 都有逃脱过。

7. Even a small little thing can make you feel how diminutive you are in front of his/her guts, courage and confidence. Stay grounded and rooted; and never humiliate somebody for their height or size.

8. Sometimes you feel that you are the best person to know how to make something happen and you have seen it every way without having a slightest idea that there is somebody who knows it better than you.

9. Sometimes, some tricks that we consider idiotic or meaningless work wonders.

10. Be prepare to face difficulties even if you have had enough of it. There is an old saying, “Every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise!” Be prepared and let them come and get you bothered; they will make you stronger and wiser as a person. It often happens that whenever Tom thinks that all is done Jerry plays his card and wins.
即使困难再多,也要随时准备迎接新的困难,每一件难事都是让你鹤立鸡群的考验。时刻准备着迎接困难,时刻准备着解决困难,会让你变得强大,更加有智慧。Tom 每次觉得大功告成的时候,都是 Jerry 逆袭的节奏。

关键词: 猫和老鼠 生活智慧
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