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核心提示:It's hard enough learning how to be a good boyfriend, but when you're a teen it's even more difficult because your hormones are raging and you don't have much practice. Steps 1. Girls do not like guys who constantly lie to impress them. Tell the tru

It's hard enough learning how to be a good boyfriend, but when you're a teen it's even more difficult because your hormones are raging and you don't have much practice.

1. Girls do not like guys who constantly lie to impress them. Tell the truth and you'll never have to worry about getting caught in a lie.
2. Be protective, but not to the point of being overprotective.
3. Make an effort to get along with her friends. Do not make it seem like your flirting with them. Your girlfriend could easily be hurt by this.
4. Respect that some of her friends are guys. If she says they're only friends, believe her unless you have a real reason not to.
5. Make sure you treat her well in front of your friends. Don't ignore her. Respect the fact that girls need to hang out with their girl-friends. Don't be jealous.
6. Answer her phone calls...and don't complain that she woke you up.
7. Compliment her often so that she knows that you're still interested in her. It will make her feel secure.
8. Tell her she looks beautiful when she's made an effort. Tell her she's beautiful when she hasn't.
9. Make sure she's always smiling. Make her happy when she's sad...but let her be sad if she needs to be.
10. Don't try to make her jealous, or suggest that she is jealous. It will get you dumped.
11. Don't be overly competitive with her. Girls like to think they're right.
12. Buy her flowers. But respect the fact that she won't carry them around all day. Not just any flowers. Make an effort to know her favorites.
13. Be romantic, but not cliche.
14. Don't get into fights. Girls won't see you as a protector, they will see you as an aggressor.
15. Don't tell her you think other girls are hot, even if she brings it up.
16. Let her play with your hair - even if she's messing it up.
17. Don't be jealous about her exes. She's with you, not with them. Never talk about how great your ex was. Unless you're saying that she's even better. and even then, you're on thin ice.
18. Don't embarrass her. EVER.
19. Don't pressure her.

1. Don't tease her about her outfits - she's probably self-conscious enough already.
2. Never call her fat - even if she's obese. Tell her you love her woman curves.
3. Don't tell her to get off your lap. Let your leg fall asleep. You can ask her to move her weight to the other leg.
4. Listen to her music even if it's rubbish and you can't stand it.
5. Listen to her even if the topic is boring.
6. Think before you say anything and don't do anything you'll regret.
7. Don't let your friends pick on her. Stick up for her, even if they are only kidding!
8. "No" always means no. even when you think it doesn't.
9. Don't ask for money from her or let her pay for lunch. Remember to be a gentleman.
10. Try to do something you both love to do, so that relationships don't seem a drag to you.
11. Tell her you've been thinking about her all day.
12. Kiss her on the forehead and on top of her head, especially when she is feeling down, and always say a simple 'I love you'. It will make her happy.


* Don't EVER tell her that you love her unless you mean it all the way with all your heart.
* Be yourself, she will find out who you really are at some point anyway
* Treat her the same way you would want to be treated
* Protect her
* Tell her that you will never "let her go"
* When she's mad, stay calm
* If she bumps into your hand a lot, hold her hand
* Some girls like to be called beautiful and some like to be called hot, know which one your girl likes. If you don't, gorgeous is an okay choice in most situations.
* When she is sad, go out of your way to cheer her up
* Give her your jacket if she's cold, or even better, hold her close so she doesn't feel bad for taking yours.
* Call her sweet names when you see she's feeling down.
* Make sure you always ALWAYS make time for her.
* Let her know she comes first.
* Make up silly jokes with her. Be totally honest.
* Tell her embarrassing things that have happened to you. Open up. If it's love she won't dump you for it.
* Be true to her, and if an ex is brought up, tell her you don't want anything to do with your ex, and that she's the only girl for you.
* If someone whistles at her, or gives her the eye, don't say "I'm going to go beat them up." Simply say, "Hey, I don't blame 'em." And let it go. Just don't let things get out of hand.
* During a first date they might want a first kiss. but don't make it big or anything. That might be her first kiss and she wont know how that well.
* If she is a bad kisser, don't let her know. Don't get mad or show any disappointment even if you have some, realize that might have been her first try.
* Let her pig out. If she's hungry, buy her food.
* If she accidentally passes gas, burps, etc. Just kinda laugh and say it's alright and give her a hug.
* Tell her your parents like her. It's always nice to know the parents like the other.
* Always make sure she's happy. If something seems wrong, hug her, hold her close, and don't let her go until she tells you. Not in the mean kind of way, though.
* Let her know she's right when she is.
* Try looking at other wikihow about guys and see what women like in men.


* Don't be afraid to kiss her under any circumstances
* But be very careful of parents and siblings like older brothers or overly protective fathers or mothers.
* Don't lie, EVER
* Don't be annoying
* NEVER EVER act like a stalker
* Never act like you're whipped, she might take advantage of that fact
* Never have bad breath, always keep mints or gum with you and brush your teeth two times a day.
* Don't look at her funny if her face is breaking out. Tell her that it doesn't matter, and you love her beyond physical appearance.
* Be Confident. Girls find confidence attractive
* Some girls aren't ready for relationships and may say they are. So if you are doing these steps and they do not appreciate it or are not emotionally close to you, talk to them!
* And seriously guys, be yourself. Girls hate liars, and especially cheaters.
* Some girls don't go for all of these tips. Get to know your girl before you start following as many of these rules as possible. Sometimes it's just obnoxious.
* DON'T say you love her before you've been together for more than a month and a half or so, even if it's true and you think she loves you. If she says it first, go ahead, though.
* NEVER EVER drown her while kissing. If you must use tongue, use the tip ONLY! Any more and it just gets gross.



1. 女孩子不喜欢为了引起她们注意而经常撒谎的人。讲实话而且不必担心被揭穿。
2. 要有保护欲,但不能保护过当。
3. 和她的朋友们要相处得当。别搞的好像你和她们在调情。你的女友很容易因为这个受伤。
4. 尊敬她的男性朋友。如果她说她们只是朋友,相信她除非你有可信服的理由。
5. 确信在你的朋友面前你对她够好。别忽视了她。接受女友需要对她的女性朋友炫耀的事实。不要怀疑。
6. 接她的电话...决不能抱怨她把你吵醒了。
7. 经常联系她,让她知道你仍然对她有兴趣。这会让她有安全感。
8. 当她打扮了,告诉她她看起来很漂亮。反之,则告诉她她本来就很漂亮。
9. 确保她一直微笑。不开心时,哄她...但是如果需要发泄出来,就让她吧。
10. 不要尝试让她忌妒或暗示她是忌妒。那你将会崩溃。
11. 不要过分的与她争论。女孩们总认为她们是对的。
12. 送花给她。且接受她不会一整天都带着它们的事实。不要乱买,要买她最喜欢的。
13. 要浪漫,杜绝老生常谈。
14. 切勿打架。女孩们不会认为你是保护者,而是侵略者。
15. 千万不要在她面前说别的女孩很辣,即使她主动提起。
16. 允许她玩你的头发-即使她把它弄乱。
17. 不要忌妒她的前男友们。她是和你在一起,不是和他们。决不要谈你的前女友有多好。除非你说的时候,她没有感觉。如果真是那样,你也就危险了。
18. 永远别让她感到尴尬。
19. 别给她压力。

1. 不要嘲笑她的穿着-她可能已经自我意识到了。
2. 决不能说她胖-即使她胖。告诉她你喜欢她的女性曲线。
3. 不要叫她坐离你的大腿。要想让你的大腿休息,可以让她坐在另一条腿上。
4. 听她唱歌,即使难听到你无法忍受。
5. 即使话题无聊也要听她讲。
6. 想清楚再说,别做后悔的事。
7. 不要让你的朋友作弄她。为她辩护,即使他们只是开玩笑。
8. “不”就意味着没有。即使你认为不是。
9. 决不能向她要钱或付午餐。记住要绅士。
10. 试着做你也喜欢做的事,以便你们的关系不会拖累你。
11. 告诉她你整天都想她。
12. 亲吻她的额头还有头发,尤其是当她低落的时候,经常说“我爱你”。她会很高兴的。


* 千万不要告诉她你爱她除非你打算全心全意爱她一辈子。
* 要有自我,她会在某些时候发现你的存在。
* 要像你想别人怎样对待你一样对待她。
* 保护她。
* 告诉她你决不会让她走。
* 当她发狂时,保持冷静。
* 如果她多次触碰你的手,牵起她的手。
* 有些女孩喜欢被人赞漂亮而有些喜欢被赞辣,搞清楚你的女友喜欢什么。如果你不知道,说漂亮在大部分情况下是个很好的选择。
* 当她悲伤的时候,用你自己的方式让她高兴起来。
* 如果她冷,给她披上你的夹克衫,或者更进一步,搂着她让她认为接受你的举止也不坏。
* 当你看见她很低落时,叫她的昵称。
* 确信你一直总是给她时间。
* 让她知道她是第一次来。
* 弥补对她犯下的愚蠢的笑话,是绝对的诚实。
* 告诉她发生在你身上的尴尬事情。放开点。如果她爱你,不会因为那样就看不起你。
* 对她忠诚,如果前女友被提起,告诉她你不想和你的前女友有什么,她才是你的唯一。
* 如果有人对她吹口哨,或者给她眼色看,千万不要说“我要打趴他们。”只要说,“嘿,我不怪他们。”然后让它过去。只是不要让事情失控。
* 第一次约会期间,他们也许想要第一个吻。别把它搞大或是什么的。那也许是女孩的初吻而她也不知道怎样吻。
* 如果她不是接吻高手,不要让她知道。不要恼或是显得失望即使你的确如此,记住那可能是她的第一次尝试。
* 让她变猪。如果她饿,就给她买吃的。
* 如果她不小心放了屁或打饱嗝等等。只要小小的笑下然后告诉她说这是正常的,并给她一个拥抱。
* 告诉她你的父母喜欢她。知道父母喜欢另一伴是件不错的事情。
* 确信她很开心。如果有什么不对劲,紧紧的抱着她,不要让她走直到她告诉你发生了什么。但不是一厢情愿。
* 让她知道她是对的,如果她确实是。
* 试着看下男孩们的其它wikihow,看看女人喜欢男人什么。


* 在任何情况下都不要害怕吻她
* 小心父母和兄弟姐妹,像哥哥或者过分保护的父亲、母亲。
* 永远别撒谎。
* 不要不耐烦。
* 永远不要纠缠不休。
* 决不能表现出你好像在受鞭打,她可能会利用这一事实。
* 不能有口臭,随身携带薄荷糖或口香糖,每天刷两次牙。
* 如果她破相了,不要幸灾乐祸的看着她。告诉她那没有关系,你爱的不是她的相貌。
* 有信心。女孩们容易被自信吸引。
* 有些女孩并不准备接受那层关系也许也会说他们是那种关系。所以如果你正在做这些并且他们不认同或是感情上不接受你,和他们谈。
* 做个诚实的小伙子。女孩讨厌说谎的人,尤其是骗子。
* 这些窍门并不适用所有的女孩。在你开始尽可能地学这些规则之前去了解她。有时这些规则也令人厌恶。
* 如果你们在一起没有超过一个月或半个月,千万不要说你爱她,即使那是真的而且你认为她也爱你。但是如果她先说,那请便。
* 当接吻时,决不能让她窒息。如果你必需用舌头,用舌尖就够了!任何多余的动作都会变的粗野。


关键词: 男孩子 好男友
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