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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-11-05  来源:沪江英语  作者:foodtrans
核心提示:1 Million People Agree Sleeping for 5 Hours is Better Than 8一百万人都同意:睡五小时好过睡八小时Youve heard it before:

1 Million People Agree – Sleeping for 5 Hours is Better Than 8


You’ve heard it before: “Everyone needs 8 hours sleep per night.”



Well, a study out of UCSD paints a different story. The 2010 paper instead suggests that the secret to a long life lies in getting just enough sleep, which ends up being about 6.5 hours per night.



The study looks at 1.1 million people’s sleep patterns over the course of 6 years, tracking the amount of sleep each subject averaged alongside their longevity. Its major finding: Sleeping as little as 5 hours per night can be better for you than sleeping 8.

这次研究调查了110万人六年中的睡眠模式,追踪每个受试者的平均睡眠时间和寿命情况。 研究的主要发现是:每晚睡5个小时比睡8个小时更好。


How much sleep do you really need?



The study, run by Dr. Daniel F. Kripke an MD and Professor of Psychiatry specializing in sleep research and aging, didn’t find any statistical health-related reason to sleep longer than 6.5 hours per night.

该研究由Daniel F. Kripke博士和专业从事睡眠研究和衰老的精神病学教授负责,研究没有发现每晚睡眠时间超过6.5小时的任何统计学上的与健康相关的原因。


Data that he used from the Cancer Prevention Study II (CPSII) from the American Cancer Society even shows that sleeping about 5 hours per night is slightly safer than sleeping 8. In this case, we’ll go ahead and define “safer” as “not dying.”



The data is impressive. It covers 1.1 million participants, and it is the first large-scale population study that correlates sleep with longevity while taking into account things like age, diet, exercise, health problems and smoking.

这项数据令人印象深刻。 它覆盖了110万参与者,这是第一次将睡眠与长寿联系起来的大规模人口研究,同时考虑到年龄、饮食、运动、健康问题和吸烟等问题。


The data is from 1982-1988 because it took years to input the data and perform analysis on it.



I’m not sure where the sleep-8-hours-per-night myth came from, but it’s totally wrong. You can file it away under old information, along with the eat-fewer-calories-to-lose-weight myth.



With all the biohacking I’ve done over the years, I’m able to thrive on about 2.5 hours of sleep per night and be fully functional the next day without needing to “catch up” on sleep. That said, the data from this study has me convinced that 5 hours per night is better for longevity and long-term performance.

鉴于多年来我一直在做的所有生物黑客(译者注:生物黑客的目标是把生物技术带出实验室,打破常规实验室的限制,在不同环境下创新发展生物技术)活动,我能够在每晚大约2.5小时的睡眠中茁壮成长,并且第二天身体还能正常运转,而不需要“赶上”睡眠。 也就是说,这项研究的数据使我确信每晚睡5小时对于长寿和长期表现而言更好。


I’m certain that I can put my body in more restorative sleep stages using technology, and that it’s probably safe to do it for longer periods, but I’d like some more data on that before I do it all the time!



Understanding your sleeping habits



Just about everyone including doctors, health experts, and athletes agree, sleep is critical. Here are just a few studies that prove just that:



The mental benefits



One night of good sleep can improve your ability to learn new motor skills by 20%.



Quality sleep increases your ability to gain new insight into complex problems by 50%.



The physical benefits



Good sleep promotes skin health and a youthful appearance.



Sleep increases testosterone levels.



Sleep controls optimal insulin secretion.



Sleep encourages healthy cell division (helps prevent cancer).



Sleep increases athletic performance.



So if sleep is so awesome, why get less of it? The short answer is: it’s the quality of your sleep that matters, not the quantity. Poor quality sleep can make you fat, weak, and stupid.



If you find that you need a ton of sleep, your body is telling you that there’s something wrong. Stress, over-exercising, and bad nutrition habits are all common reasons your body might want more of your hours to sleep at night. That’s where biohacking comes to the rescue.





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