A big fish in a small pond
'a big fish in a small pond'是指某个小圈子或小组里的杰出人物。
You should move to a smaller company so you can be a big fish in a small pond.
Kettle of fish
'Kettle of fish'可以指你不得不面对的事。
It's a different kettle of fish. Let's talk about it another time.
A fish out of water
'A fish out of water'是指某人完全不适应环境或不熟悉情况。
He doesn't look comfortable in the group at all. He must feel like a fish out of water.
'big fish' 'small fish'或'cold fish'
'big fish '可以指一位重要人物。
'small fish '的意思则相反。这个习语通常用来形容小人物。
'cold fish '是指不太友善且不愿表露情感的人。
I have never had a good relationship with him at all. He seems like a cold fish.