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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-03-19
核心提示:Knobbly roots of Jerusalem artichokes have a delicate, earthy flavour thats a great match for roasts and casseroles. Scrape and steam as you would potatoes. They are easier to peel if cooked first and then allowed to cool. They give an excellent fla

    Knobbly roots of Jerusalem artichokes have a delicate, earthy flavour that’s a great match for roasts and casseroles. Scrape and steam as you would potatoes. They are easier to peel if cooked first and then allowed to cool. They give an excellent flavour to casseroles and are also very good baked to serve with roast meat. 

    The Jerusalem artichoke is not an artichoke, nor does it come from Jerusalem. It is originally from America, though it is now grown extensively in Europe, and it is part of the sunflower family. 

    Celeriac is a variety of celery, available from November to February which is cultivated for its turnip-like stem base. The root only is served as a vegetable, made into a cream soup or grated raw in salads. 

    Peel it fairly thickly; the small ones may be cooked whole, but larger ones should be sliced thickly or cut into dice. Cook in boiling water or stock until tender 20 to 60 minutes or even longer. Drain well and serve with melted butter or with a good white sauce.

    菊芋的球根口感酥软,拥有自然风味,很适合用来烘烤或用砂锅炖煮。通常马铃薯 在蒸煮前会先去皮,但其实如果将它们先煮熟,然后等冷却后再去皮会比较容易。一般的烹饪方法是用砂锅直接炖煮,你也可以将它与烤肉一起烹调,口感也非常好。




关键词: 球茎 蔬菜
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