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印度发明无核芒果seedless mango

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-07-30  来源:食品翻译中心
First came seedless grapes. Now, Indian scientists have developed what could be the ultimate delicacy – a seedless mango which is finely textured and juicy, with a rich, sweet and distinctive flavour when mature.

"We have developed a seedless mango variety from hybrids of mango varieties Ratna and Alphonso," V.B. Patel,chairman of the horticulture department at the Bihar Agriculture University(BAU) at Sabour in Bhagalpur district, told IANS.
比哈尔农业大学(BAU)园艺部门的主任V.B. Patel对印度亚洲新闻社的记者说:“我们将两种芒果Ratna和Alphonso杂交,就得到了一种无核芒果。”

Trials of the new variety, named Sindhu, are under way at different locations in the country but the result of the one at BAU suggests it could be suitable for both integrated horticulture and kitchen gardening.

"We are happy and enthusiastic as well as confident and hopeful of improving the seedless mango variety," Patel said.

He said that an average fruit weighs 200 grams and its pulp, which is yellowish in colour, has less fibre than other mango varieties.

He said the trials of the Sindhu variety, originally developed at the regional fruit research station of the Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth at Dapoli in Maharashtra's Konkan region, has thrown up good fruiting on a three-year-old plant this year. It generally grows in bunch and the fruit matures in the middle of July.
他说这种Sindhu品种的芒果最先开始是在Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth地区的水果研究站研究出来的,最先开始培育的那一棵芒果树已经长了3年,今年已经可以结出不错的果实了。芒果基本都是成群地长,今年7月中旬就可以成熟了。

BAU vice chancellor M.L. Choudhary said the university has, on an experimental basis, decided to recreate plants of this variety and make them available to Bihar's mango growers during the next season.
BAU的副校长M.L. Choudhary说他们这所大学已经决定在实验的基础上,重新改造这一品种,争取明年让比哈尔的芒果果农能拿到种子。

"The seedless variety also has good export potential. The university would provide quality plants to mango growers in 2015 to exploit the export market," he added.

Patel said our trial has successfully established that seedless mango could be grown in local condition.

According to the National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Bihar ranks third in mango cultivation and covers about 50 percent – a little over 38,000 hectares – of the total fruit area in the state. The produce last year was in the region of 1.5 million tonnes.

Malda, Mallika, Jardaloo, Gulabkhas, Bumbai, Daseri and Chausa are major mango varieties grown in the state.
印度种植的芒果种类主要有Malda、 Mallika、Jardaloo、Gulabkhas、Bumbai,、Daseri以及Chausa。

But, then, no longer will one be able to utter this Indian homily: "Aam khana hai ya gutli gin ni hai" losely translated as "Do you want to eat mangoes or count the seeds" but in reality meaning 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'.

And, there are many who will lament being denied the pleasure of licking the seed clean of the fruit.

关键词: 芒果
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