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Law of the People's Republic of China on Negotiable Instruments


第一章 总则
General Provisions

第一条 为了规范票据行为,保障票据活动中当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted to regulate acts involving negotiable instruments, protect the lawful rights and interests of parties engaged in activities involving negotiable instruments, maintain public and economic order and promote the development of the socialist market economy.

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内的票据活动,适用本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to activities, involving negotiable instruments, that are carried on within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

The term "negotiable instrument" as used in this Law means bill of exchange, promissory note and cheque.

第三条 票据活动应当遵守法律、行政法规,不得损害社会公共利益。
Article 3 In activities involving negotiable instruments, people shall comply with law, and administrative rules and regulations and shall not jeopardize public interests.

第四条 票据出票人制作票据,应当按照法定条件在票据上签章,并按照所记载的事项承担票据责任。
Article 4 When making a negotiable instrument, the drawer shall sign it pursuant to the requirements prescribed by law and shall be liable according to its tenor.

When exercising the rights on a negotiable instrument, the holder shall sign it according to legal procedures and present it.

Other debtors signing the instrument shall be liable according to its tenor.

The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument, including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse.

Liability on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the obligation of a debtor to pay the sum payable by the instrument to the holder.

第五条 票据当事人可以委托其代理人在票据上签章,并应当在票据上表明其代理关系。
Article 5 A party to a negotiable instrument may authorize his agent to sign the instrument and the agency relationship shall be indicated thereon.

A person who without authorization signs a negotiable instrument in the name of an agent shall be liable for the instrument. If an agent goes beyond the authorization, he shall be liable for the instrument to the extent where he exceeds the authorization.

第六条 无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人在票据上签章的,其签章无效,但是不影响其他签章的效力。
Article 6 If a person having no capacity or limited capacity for civil acts signs a negotiable instrument, the signature shall be null and void, but this shall not affect the effect of others' signatures.

第七条 票据上的签章,为签名、盖章或者签名加盖章。
Article 7 The signature on a negotiable instrument means an autograph, a seal or an autograph accompanied by a seal.

The signature put by a legal person or another entity issuing the negotiable instrument means the seal of the legal person or the entity accompanied by the signature of its legal representative or authorized agent.

The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.

第八条 票据金额以中文大写和数码同时记载,二者必须一致,二者不一致的,票据无效。
Article 8 The sum on a negotiable instrument shall be specified in both capital Chinese characters and numerical figures, the two must be exactly the same. Otherwise, the instrument shall be null and void.

第九条 票据上的记载事项必须符合本法的规定。
Article 9 The particulars specified on a negotiable instrument shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Law.

The sum, date and the name of the payee of a negotiable instrument shall not be altered. An instrument with any alteration is null and void.

Other particulars on a negotiable instrument may be altered by the person who recorded them, but he shall verify the alterations by putting his signature thereto.

第十条 票据的签发、取得和转让,应当遵循诚实信用的原则,具有真实的交易关系和债权债务关系。
Article 10 The issue, acquisition and negotiation of an instrument shall follow the principle of good faith and reflect the true relationship of transaction and between the creditor and the debtor.

A negotiable instrument shall be acquired by payment of consideration, that is, the price corresponding to what is agreed upon by the two parties to the instrument.

第十一条 因税收、继承、赠与可以依法无偿取得票据的,不受给付对价的限制。但是,所享有的票据权利不得优于其前手的权利。
Article 11 Acquisition of a negotiable instrument through taxation, inheritance or donation which, according to law, may be realized without payment shall be exempted from payment of consideration. However, the holder's rights to the instrument shall not exceed those of his prior parties thereto.

The term "prior parties" means other persons liable for a negotiable instrument who put their signatures thereon prior to the current signer or holder.

第十二条 以欺诈、偷盗或者胁迫等手段取得票据的,或者明知有前列情形,出于恶意取得票据的,不得享有票据权利。
Article 12 A person who acquires a negotiable instrument by means of fraud, theft, or coercion, or, with knowledge of the aforementioned situations, acquires the instrument out of ill intention shall have no right thereon.

A holder who, by gross negligence, acquires a negotiable instrument that is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, shall have no tight thereon, either.

第十三条 票据债务人不得以自己与出票人或者与持票人的前手之间的抗辩事由,对抗持票人。但是,持票人明知存在抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。
Article 13 A person liable for a negotiable instrument may not set up against the holder such defenses that are available as between himself and the drawer or between himself and the holder's prior party or parties, unless the current holder acquires the instrument with knowledge of the defenses.

A person liable for a negotiable instrument may set up defenses against the holder who has a direct creditor - debtor relationship with him and does not perform the obligations agreed upon.

"Defense" as used in this Law means refusal by a person liable for a negotiable instrument to perform his obligations to the creditor in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

第十四条 票据上的记载事项应当真实,不得伪造、变造。伪造、变造票据上的签章和其他记载事项的,应当承担法律责任。
Article 14 Particulars recorded on a negotiable instrument shall be truthful and shall not be forged or altered. Whoever forges or alters the signature or other particulars recorded on an instrument shall bear legal responsibility.

A forged or altered signature on a negotiable instrument shall not affect the effect of other true signatures thereon.

Where other particulars recorded on a negotiable instrument have been altered, a signer thereto before the alteration is made shall be liable for the particulars originally recorded, a signer thereto after the alteration is made shall be liable for the altered particulars. Where it is hard to tell whether a signature is put before or after the alteration, it shall be deemed as one put before the alteration.

第十五条 票据丧失,失票人可以及时通知票据的付款人挂失止付,但是,未记载付款人或者无法确定付款人及其代理付款人的票据除外。
Article 15 In the event a negotiable instrument is lost, the person losing it may promptly notify the drawee of the loss for the latter to stop payment thereof, unless no drawee is recorded on the instrument or it is hard to identify the drawee or his agent.

The drawee who receives notice to stop payment of the lost instrument shall suspend its payment.

The person who loses the instrument shall, within three days after serving the stop - payment notice or after losing the instrument, apply to a People's Court according to law for making this exigency known to the public or bring an action in a People's Court.

第十六条 持票人对票据债务人行使票据权利,或者保全票据权利,应当在票据当事人的营业场所和营业时间内进行,票据当事人无营业场所的,应当在其住所进行。
Article 16 To exercise or preserve his rights on a negotiable instrument against the person who is liable for the instrument, the holder shall do it on the business premises of the party concerned and within the business hours, or at his domicile in the absence of business premises.

第十七条 票据权利在下列期限内不行使而消灭:
Article 17 The rights on a negotiable instrument lapse, unless exercised within the following time limits:

(1) two years from the date of maturity of the negotiable instrument for the holder against the drawer or acceptor; two years from the date of issue of a bill or a promissory note payable at sight for the holder against the drawer or acceptor;

(2) six months from the date of issue of a cheque for the holder against the drawer;

(3) six months from the date of non - acceptance or non - payment for the holder's right of recourse against the prior holders; or

(4) three months from the date of settlement or filing a lawsuit for the holder's right of re- recourse against the prior parties.

The date of issue and the date of maturity of a negotiable instrument shall be determined by the parties thereto according to law.

第十八条 持票人因超过票据权利时效或者因票据记载事项欠缺而丧失票据权利的,仍享有民事权利,可以请求出票人或者承兑人返还其与未支付的票据金额相当的利益。
Article 18 The holder of a negotiable instrument who forfeits his rights thereon by reason of limitation of time or defects in specified particulars on the instrument still has civil rights and he is entitled to demand the drawer or acceptor to make a refund equivalent to the sum in the instrument not yet paid.

第二章 汇票
Bills of Exchange

第一节 出票
Section 1 Issue

第十九条 汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
Article 19 A bill of exchange is a negotiable instrument, signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the drawee to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payee or the holder at sight or on a specified date.

Bills of exchange include banker's bills and commercial bills.

第二十条 出票是指出票人签发票据并将其交付给收款人的票据行为。
Article 20 "Issue" means a drawer's signing of a bill of exchange and delivering of it to the payee.

第二十一条 汇票的出票人必须与付款人具有真实的委托付款关系,并且具有支付汇票金额的可靠资金来源。
Article 21 The drawer of a bill of exchange must maintain a bona fide relationship of entrusted payment with the drawee and have a reliable source of funds to pay the amount of sum on the bill.

No one may sign and issue bills of exchange without consideration to defraud fund from a bank or other parties to the bills.

第二十二条 汇票必须记载下列事项:
Article 22 The following particulars shall be specified on a bill of exchange:

(1) words expressing it to be a bill of exchange;

(2) an unconditional order to pay;

(3) a sum certain in money;

(4) name of the drawee;

(5) name of the payee;

(6) date of issue; and

(7) signature of the drawer.

A bill of exchange is void if any of the above - mentioned particulars is not specified thereon.

第二十三条 汇票上记载付款日期、付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。
Article 23 The date of payment, place of payment and place of issue, if specified on a bill of exchange, shall be legible and unambiguous.

If the date of payment is not specified on a bill of exchange, the bill is payable at sight.

If the place of payment is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawee is the place of payment.

If the place of issue is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue.

第二十四条 汇票上可以记载本法规定事项以外的其他出票事项,但是该记载事项不具有汇票上的效力。
Article 24 Particulars relating to the issue of a bill of exchange other than those stipulated by this Law may be specified on a bill, however, such particulars shall have no effect on the bill.

第二十五条 付款日期可以按照下列形式之一记载:
Article 25 The date of payment may be specified in one of the following manners:

(1) payable at sight

(2) payable at a fixed date

(3) payable at a fixed period after the date of issue; or

(4) payable at a fixed period after sight.

The date of payment stipulated in the preceding paragraph is the date of maturity of a bill of exchange.

第二十六条 出票人签发汇票后,即承担保证该汇票承兑和付款的责任。出票人在汇票得不到承兑或者付款时,应当向持票人清偿本法第七十条、第七十一条规定的金额和费用。
Article 26 A drawer who signs and issues a bill shall bear the liability for guaranteeing the acceptance and payment of the bill. In the event the bill is not accepted or paid, the drawer shall pay off the sum and expenses, as stipulated in Articles 70 and 71 of this Law, to the holder of the bill.

第二节 背书
Section 2 Endorsement

第二十七条 持票人可以将汇票权利转让给他人或者将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使。
Article 27 A holder may transfer his rights on the bill of exchange to another person or authorize another to exercise certain part of the rights on the bill.

Where a drawer writes "non - negotiable" on a bill of exchange, the bill shall not be negotiated.

A holder shall endorse and deliver the bill of exchange when exercising the rights stipulated in the first paragraph of the Article.

"Endorsement" means the writing down of relevant particulars and signing on the back of a negotiable instrument or on an allonge.

第二十八条 票据凭证不能满足背书人记载事项的需要,可以加附粘单,粘附于票据凭证上。
Article 28 Where more space on a negotiable instrument is needed by the endorser for making entries, the instrument may be extended by an allonge annexed to it.

The first entry maker of the allonge shall sign on the abutting edge.

第二十九条 背书由背书人签章并记载背书日期。
Article 29 An endorsement shall be signed and the date of endorsement specified by the endorser.

An endorsement without a specified date is deemed to be made prior to the date of maturity.

第三十条 汇票以背书转让或者以背书将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使时,必须记载被背书人名称。
Article 30 The name of endorsee shall be specified when a bill of exchange is endorsed to negotiate or when the exercise of certain part of the rights thereon is endorsed to another.

第三十一条 以背书转让的汇票,背书应当连续。持票人以背书的连续,证明其汇票权利;非经背书转让,而以其他合法方式取得汇票的,依法举证,证明其汇票权利。
Article 31 Where a bill of exchange is negotiated by endorsement, the endorsements shall be in succession. The holder shall prove his rights on the bill by an uninterrupted series of endorsements. A person who acquires a bill of exchange by lawful means other than endorsement shall provide evidence according to law to prove his rights thereon.

The term "uninterrupted series of endorsements" as used in the preceding paragraph means that, in the course of negotiation of an instrument, the signature of each endorser negotiating the bill and that of the immediate prior endorsee acquiring the bill shall be the same person's.

第三十二条 以背书转让的汇票,后手应当对其直接前手背书的真实性负责。
Article 32 Where a bill of exchange is negotiated by endorsement, the subsequent party shall be liable for the authenticity of the endorsement of his immediate prior party.

A subsequent party means a person liable for an instrument who puts his signature thereto after it is signed by another.

第三十三条 背书不得附有条件。背书时附有条件的,所附条件不具有汇票上的效力。
Article 33 No condition may be attached to the endorsement. Any conditions attached to the endorsement shall have no effect of a bill.

An endorsement which transfers a part of the sum payable by the bill of exchange or separately transfers the sum payable by the bill to two or more endorsees shall be void.

第三十四条 背书人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样,其后手再背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。
Article 34 Where an endorser writes "non - negotiable" on a bill of exchange and his subsequent party negotiates it by endorsement, the endorser shall not bear responsibility for guaranty to the endorsee of the said subsequent party.

第三十五条 背书记载“委托收款”字样的,被背书人有权代背书人行使被委托的汇票权利。但是,被背书人不得再以背书转让汇票权利。
Article 35 Where in an endorsement "by procuration" is written, the endorsee is entitled to exercise the mandated rights on the bill of exchange on the endorser's behalf. However, the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement.

A bill of exchange may be laid in pledge, provided that "value in pledge" is written in the endorsement when the bill is laid in pledge. The endorsee may exercise the rights on the bill when exercising his right of pledge according to law.

第三十六条 汇票被拒绝承兑、被拒绝付款或者超过付款提示期限的,不得背书转让;背书转让的,背书人应当承担汇票责任。
Article 36 A bill of exchange may not be negotiated by endorsement, if it is not accepted or paid or if the time limit for presentment for payment expires. The endorser shall bear liability on the bill if it is negotiated in spite of all this.

第三十七条 背书人以背书转让汇票后,即承担保证其后手所持汇票承兑和付款的责任。背书人在汇票得不到承兑或者付款时,应当向持票人清偿本法第七十条、第七十一条规定的金额和费用。
Article 37 An endorser is liable for guaranteeing the acceptance and payment of the bill of exchange held by his subsequent party after he negotiates the bill by endorsement. The endorser shall pay off the sum and expenses, as stipulated in Articles 70 and 71 of this Law, to the holder in case of non - acceptance or non - payment of the bill.

第三节 承兑
Section 3 Acceptance

第三十八条 承兑是指汇票付款人承诺在汇票到期日支付汇票金额的票据行为。
Article 38 "Acceptance" is the act of a drawee of a bill of exchange who promises to pay the sum on the bill at the maturity of the bill.

第三十九条 定日付款或者出票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当在汇票到期日前向付款人提示承兑。
Article 39 Where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at a fixed date or at a fixed period after the date of issue, the holder shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance before the date of maturity.

"Presentment for acceptance" is the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the drawee and demands a promise of payment from the drawee.

第四十条 见票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起一个月内向付款人提示承兑。
Article 40 Where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at a fixed period after sight, the holder thereof shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance within one month after the date of issue.

Where a bill of exchange is not presented for acceptance within the prescribed period, the holder thereof shall lose the right of recourse against his prior parties.

No presentment for acceptance is needed for a bill of exchange payable at sight.

第四十一条 付款人对向其提示承兑的汇票,应当自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起三日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。
Article 41 In respect of a bill of exchange presented for acceptance, the drawee shall accept or refuse to accept it within three days after receipt of the bill.

On receiving a bill of exchange presented for acceptance by the holder, the drawee shall write out a receipt to the holder. The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed.

第四十二条 付款人承兑汇票的,应当在汇票正面记载“承兑”字样和承兑日期并签章;见票后定期付款的汇票,应当在承兑时记载付款日期。
Article 42 When accepting a bill of exchange, the drawee shall write "accepted" and the date of acceptance on the front of the bill and sign it. In the case of a bill of exchange payable at a fixed period after sight, the date of payment shall be recorded at the time of acceptance

.Where the date of acceptance is not specified on a bill of exchange, the last day of the period specified in the first paragraph of the preceding Article is the date of acceptance.

第四十三条 付款人承兑汇票,不得附有条件;承兑附有条件的,视为拒绝承兑。
Article 43 When accepting a bill of exchange, the drawee may not attach any conditions thereto. An acceptance to which a condition is attached is deemed non - acceptance.

第四十四条 付款人承兑汇票后,应当承担到期付款的责任。
Article 44 After accepting a bill of exchange, the drawee shall bear the liability for paying the bill at its maturity.

第四节 保证
Section 4 Guaranty

第四十五条 汇票的债务可以由保证人承担保证责任。
Article 45 The liability on a bill of exchange may be guaranteed by a guarantor.

The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill.

第四十六条 保证人必须在汇票或者粘单上记载下列事项:
Article 46 A guarantor must specify the following particulars on the bill of exchange or on an allonge:

(1) the word "guaranteed";

(2) the name and domicile of the guarantor;

(3) the name of the guarantee;

(4) date of guaranty; and

(5) signature of the guarantor.

第四十七条 保证人在汇票或者粘单上未记载前条第(三)项的,已承兑的汇票,承兑人为被保证人;未承兑的汇票,出票人为被保证人。
Article 47 Where the guarantor fails to specify Item (3) of the preceding Article on the bill of exchange or on the allonge, the acceptor is the guarantee for an accepted bill, and the drawer is the guarantee for a bill not yet accepted.

Where the guarantor fails to specify Item (4) of the preceding Article on the bill of exchange or on the allonge, the date of issue is the date of guaranty.

第四十八条 保证不得附有条件;附有条件的,不影响对汇票的保证责任。
Article 48 No condition may be attached to a guaranty. A guaranty with conditions attached shall not affect the liability of guaranty on the bill of exchange.

第四十九条 保证人对合法取得汇票的持票人所享有的汇票权利,承担保证责任。但是,被保证人的债务因汇票记载事项欠缺而无效的除外。
Article 49 The guarantor shall be liable for guaranteeing the holder's rights on the bill of exchange which the holder acquires lawfully, except for where the guarantee's debt is invalid because the particulars specified on the bill are incomplete.

第五十条 被保证的汇票,保证人应当与被保证人对持票人承担连带责任。汇票到期后得不到付款的,持票人有权向保证人请求付款,保证人应当足额付款。
Article 50 Where a bill of exchange is guaranteed, the guarantor shall, together with the guarantee, undertake joint and several liability to the holder thereof. Where payment is not made at the maturity of such bill, the holder is entitled to demand payment from the guarantor and the latter shall pay the bill in full.

第五十一条 保证人为二人以上的,保证人之间承担连带责任。
Article 51 Where there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake joint and several liability.

第五十二条 保证人清偿汇票债务后,可以行使持票人对被保证人及其前手的追索权。
Article 52 After the guarantor pays off the debt of the bill of exchange, the guarantor may exercise the right of recourse as enjoyed by the holder against the guarantee and his prior parties.

第五节 付款
Section 5 Payment

第五十三条 持票人应当按照下列期限提示付款:
Article 53 The holder shall present the bill of exchange for payment within the following time limits:

(1) one month after the date of issue for a bill payable at sight to be presented to the drawee; and

(2) ten days after the date of maturity for a bill payable at fixed date, at a fixed period after the date of issue or at a fixed period after sight to be presented to the acceptor.

Where the holder fails to present the bill for payment within the prescribed period, the acceptor or drawee shall remain liable for the payment of the bill after the holder explains the situation.

Presentment for payment made to the drawee through an authorized collecting bank or at a clearing system is deemed as presentment made by the holder.

第五十四条 持票人依照前条规定提示付款的,付款人必须在当日足额付款。
Article 54 The drawee shall pay the bill in full on the day when the holder presents the bill for payment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article.

第五十五条 持票人获得付款的,应当在汇票上签收,并将汇票交给付款人。持票人委托银行收款的,受委托的银行将代收的汇票金额转账收入持票人账户,视同签收。
Article 55 The holder shall receipt the bill and surrender it to the drawee when he receives payment. Where a holder authorizes a bank to receive payment on his behalf, the bill is deemed as receipted when the authorized bank credits the collected sum to the holder's account.

第五十六条 持票人委托的收款银行的责任,限于按照汇票上记载事项将汇票金额转入持票人账户。
Article 56 The liability of the bank authorized by the holder to receive payment shall be limited to crediting the sum on the bill to the holder's account according to the particulars specified on the bill.

The liability of the bank authorized by the drawee to make payment shall be limited to paying the sum on the bill from the drawee's account according to the particulars specified on the bill.

第五十七条 付款人及其代理付款人付款时,应当审查汇票背书的连续,并审查提示付款人的合法身份证明或者有效证件。
Article 57 When paying a bill, the drawee or his agent shall examine the uninterruptedness of the series of endorsement and the lawful identity certificate or the valid certificate of the person presenting the bill

The drawee or his agent who makes payment out of ill intention or with gross negligence shall bear liability on his own.

第五十八条 对定日付款、出票后定期付款或者见票后定期付款的汇票,付款人在到期日前付款的,由付款人自行承担所产生的责任。
Article 58 Where the drawee makes payment before the date of maturity for a bill of exchange payable at a fixed date, at a fixed period after the date of issue, or at a fixed period after sight, the drawee shall bear the liability deriving therefrom on his own.

第五十九条 汇票金额为外币的,按照付款日的市场汇价,以人民币支付。
Article 59 When the sum on a bill of exchange is expressed in a foreign currency, the sum shall be paid in Renminbi according to the market exchange rate on the day of payment.

Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment, such agreement shall be complied with.

第六十条 付款人依法足额付款后,全体汇票债务人的责任解除。
Article 60 After the drawee pays the bill in full according to law, all persons liable for the bill of exchange are discharged from liabilities.

第六节 追索权
Section 6 Right of Recourse

第六十一条 汇票到期被拒绝付款的,持票人可以对背书人、出票人以及汇票的其他债务人行使追索权。
Article 61 Where the payment of a bill of exchange is refused at the date of maturity, the holder may exercise the right of recourse against the endorsers, the drawer and other persons liable for the bill.

Prior to the date of maturity, the holder may also exercise the right of recourse under any of the following circumstances:

(1) the bill is dishonored by non - acceptance;

(2) the acceptor or the drawee has died or escaped; or

(3) the acceptor or the drawee is declared bankrupt according to law or is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law.

第六十二条 持票人行使追索权时,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明。
Article 62 When exercising the right of recourse, the holder shall provide relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment.

Where the presentment for acceptance or the presentment for payment by the holder is rejected, the acceptor or the drawee must provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor. The acceptor or the drawee, who does not provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor, shall bear civil liabilities deriving therefrom.

第六十三条 持票人因承兑人或者付款人死亡、逃匿或者其他原因,不能取得拒绝证明的,可以依法取得其他有关证明。
Article 63 Where the holder is unable to obtain proof of dishonor on account of the death or escape of the acceptor or the drawee or for other reasons, the holder may obtain other relevant evidence according to law.

第六十四条 承兑人或者付款人被人民法院依法宣告破产的,人民法院的有关司法文书具有拒绝证明的效力。
Article 64 Where an acceptor or a drawee is declared bankrupt by a People's Court in accordance with law, the relevant judicial documents of the People's court shall have the effect as proof of dishonor.

Where an acceptor or a drawee is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law, the decision on punishment made by a competent administrative department shall have the effect as proof of dishonor.

第六十五条 持票人不能出示拒绝证明、退票理由书或者未按照规定期限提供其他合法证明的,丧失对其前手的追索权。但是,承兑人或者付款人仍应当对持票人承担责任。
Article 65 A holder who is unable to present proof of dishonor, a statement on reasons for dishonor or other lawful evidence within the prescribed period of time loses the right of recourse against his prior parties. However, the acceptor or the drawee shall remain liable to the holder.

第六十六条 持票人应当自收到被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明之日起三日内,将被拒绝事由书面通知其前手;其前手应当自收到通知之日起三日内书面通知其再前手。持票人也可以同时向各汇票债务人发出书面通知。
Article 66 The holder shall, within three days after receiving the relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment, notify his prior parties in writing of the fact of dishonor; the said prior parties shall, within three days after receiving the notice, notify his prior parties about the matter. Or, the holder may simultaneously notify in writing all persons liable for the bill of exchange.

In case of failure to do what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the holder may still exercise the right of recourse. Where losses are caused to the prior parties or the drawee by delayed notice, the party to the bill of exchange failing to notify the relevant parties within the prescribed time limit shall be liable for compensation of the losses, but the damages shall be limited to the sum payable by the bill.

If a notice is mailed to a legal address or to an address agreed upon within the prescribed period of time, the notice is deemed to have been dispatched.

第六十七条 依照前条第一款所作的书面通知,应当记明汇票的主要记载事项,并说明该汇票已被退票。
Article 67 In the written notice made according to the first paragraph of the preceding Article the main particulars specified on the bill of exchange shall be recorded and the fact that the said bill has been returned shall clearly be stated.

第六十八条 汇票的出票人、背书人、承兑人和保证人对持票人承担连带责任。
Article 68 The drawer, endorser, acceptor and guarantor of a bill of exchange are jointly and severally liable to the holder.

The holder may exercise the right of recourse against any or several or all of the persons liable for the bill of exchange in disregard of the order of precedence.

The holder, who has exercised the right of recourse against one or several of the persons liable for the bill of exchange, may still exercise the right of recourse against other persons liable for the bill. After clearing off the liabilities, the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has the same right as the holder thereof.

第六十九条 持票人为出票人的,对其前手无追索权。持票人为背书人的,对其后手无追索权。
Article 69 Where the holder is the drawer, he has no right of recourse against the prior parties. Where the holder is an endorser, he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties.

第七十条 持票人行使追索权,可以请求被追索人支付下列金额和费用:
Article 70 When exercising the right of recourse, the holder may demand the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised to pay the following sum and expenses:

(1) the sum payable by the bill of exchange dishonored;

(2) interest, calculated at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China, on the sum payable by the bill of exchange, from the date of maturity or from the date of presentment for payment to the date of payment; and

(3) the expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices.

When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised settles the liabilities, the holder shall surrender the bill of exchange together with the relevant evidence of dishonor and issue a receipt of interest and expenses paid.

第七十一条 被追索人依照前条规定清偿后,可以向其他汇票债务人行使再追索权,请求其他汇票债务人支付下列金额和费用:
Article 71 When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has settled the debt in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article, he may exercise the right of re - recourse against other persons liable for the bill of exchange and request them to pay the following sum and expenses:

(1) the entire sum he has paid;

(2) interest, calculated at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China, on the said sum from the day when he made the payment to the day when the said sum is reimbursed after seeking re - recourse; and

(3) the expenses for the dispatch of notices.

When the person who exercises the right of re - recourse is reimbursed, he shall surrender the bill of exchange and relevant evidence of dishonor and issue a receipt of interest and expenses paid.

第七十二条 被追索人依照前二条规定清偿债务后,其责任解除。
Article 72 When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has settled the debt according to the provisions of the preceding two Articles, he shall be discharged from liabilities.

第三章 本票
Promissory Notes

第七十三条 本票是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
Article 73 A promissory note is a negotiable instrument signed and issued by the maker promising to pay unconditionally the payee or bearer a sum certain in money at sight.

A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker's note.

第七十四条 本票的出票人必须具有支付本票金额的可靠资金来源,并保证支付。
Article 74 the maker of a promissory note shall possess a reliable source of funds to pay the sum of the note and guarantee its payment.

第七十五条 本票必须记载下列事项:
Article 76 The following particulars shall be specified on a promissory note:

(1) words expressing it to be a promissory note;

(2) a promise of unconditional payment;

(3) a sum certain in money;

(4) the business or personal name of the payee;

(5) the date of issue; and

(6) the signature of the maker.

A promissory note is invalid if any of the particulars mentioned in the preceding paragraph is not specified thereon.

第七十六条 本票上记载付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。
Article 76 Particulars such as the place of payment and the place of issue specified on a promissory note shall be legible and unambiguous.

Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment.

Where the place of issue is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of issue.

第七十七条 本票的出票人在持票人提示见票时,必须承担付款的责任。
Article 77 The maker of a promissory note shall bear the liability for payment when the bearer presents the note for visa.

第七十八条 本票自出票日起,付款期限最长不得超过二个月。
Article 78 The time limit for the payment of a promissory note shall not exceed two months from the date of issue.

第七十九条 本票的持票人未按照规定期限提示见票的,丧失对出票人以外的前手的追索权。
Article 79 The bearer of a promissory note loses the right of recourse against his prior parties other than the maker, if he fails to present the note for visa within the prescribed period of time.

第八十条 本票的背书、保证、付款行为和追索权的行使,除本章规定外,适用本法第二章有关汇票的规定。
Article 80 In addition to the provisions of this Chapter, the provisions of Chapter Ⅱof this Law regarding bills of exchange shall be applicable to endorsement, guaranty, payment and the exercise of the right of recourse in respect of promissory notes.

In addition to the provisions of this Chapter, the provisions of Article 24 of this Law regarding bills of exchange shall be applicable to issue of promissory notes.

第八十一条 支票是出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
Article 81 A cheque is a negotiable instrument that is signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the bank or other financial institution handling check deposit to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payer or the bearer at sight.

第八十二条 开立支票存款账户,申请人必须使用其本名,并提交证明其身份的合法证件。
Article 82 When opening a cheque account, the applicant must use the true personal or business name and submit legitimate document to prove the identity.

When opening a cheque account and asking for cheque books, the applicant shall have reliable financial credebility and deposit a certain amount of money.

When opening a cheque account, the applicant shall reserve a specimen of the signature of his true name and the seal.

第八十三条 支票可以支取现金,也可以转账,用于转账时,应当在支票正面注明。
Article 83 A cheque may be cashed or transferred into another's account. If a cheque is transferred to another's account, this should be clearly indicated on the face of the cheque,

A form of cash cheque may be specially designed and made to be paid only in cash and a cash cheque can only be cashed.

A form of transfer cheque may be designed and made for cheques used to transfer account, A transfer cheque can only be transferred to another's account, and shall not be paid in cash.

第八十四条 支票必须记载下列事项:
Article 84 The following particulars shall be specified on a cheque:

(1) the word expressing it to be a cheque;

(2) an order of unconditional payment;

(3) a sum certain in money;

(4) name of the drawee;

(5) the date of issue; and

(6) the signature of the drawer.

A cheque is null and void if any one of the particulars mentioned in the preceding paragraph is not specified thereon.

第八十五条 支票上的金额可以由出票人授权补记,未补记前的支票,不得使用。
Article 85 A cheque in which the sum is missing may be completed by the drawer's man-date. Such a cheque shall not be used before its completion.

第八十六条 支票上未记载收款人名称的,经出票人授权,可以补记。
Article 86 A cheque n which the name of the payee is missing may be completed by the drawer's mandate,

In case the place of payment is missing in cheque , the business premises of the drawee is the place of payment.

In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue.

A drawer may specify himself on a cheque as the payee.

第八十七条 支票的出票人所签发的支票金额不得超过其付款时在付款人处实有的存款金额。
Article 88 The sum specified on a cheque sighed and issued by the drawer shall not exceed the actual balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank at the time of payment.

Where the sum specified on a cheque sighed and issued by the drawer exceeds the actual balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank at the time of payment , the cheque is a rubber cheque, The issue of a rubber cheque is prohibited.

第八十八条 支票的出票人不得签发与其预留本名的签名式样或者印鉴不符的支票。
Article 88 A drawer may not sign and issue a cheque for which the signature or seal is not in consistency with the reserved specimen of signature or seal.

第八十九条 出票人必须按照签发的支票金额承担保证向该持票人付款的责任。
Article 89 A drawer shall bear the liability for guaranteeing payment to a bearer the sum specified on the cheque signed and issued.

Where the balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank is sufficient to pay the sum of the cheque, the drawee shall pay the cheque in full on the day of presentment.

第九十条 支票限于见票即付,不得另行记载付款日期。另行记载付款日期的,该记载无效。
Article 90 A cheque is payable at sight and the date of payment may ont be specified. A date of payment put on a cheque is invalid.

第九十一条 支票的持票人应当自出票日起十日内提示付款;异地使用的支票,其提示付款的期限由中国人民银行另行规定。
Article 91 A bearer shall present the cheque for payment within 10 days from the date of issue. The time limit for presentment for payment of a cheque used in a place other than the place of issue shall be prescribed separately by the People's Bank of China.

After the expiration of the time limit prescribed for presentment for payment of a cheque, the drawee may choose not to pay the cheque. Where the cheque is dishonored, the drawer shall still bear the liability for the instrument to the bearer.

第九十二条 付款人依法支付支票金额的,对出票人不再承担受委托付款的责任,对持票人不再承担付款的责任。但是,付款人以恶意或者有重大过失付款的除外。
Article 92 The drawee who has paid the sum of the cheque according to law shall no longer bear the liability as an authorized payer to the drawer or the liability for payment to the holder. except that the drawee made the payment out of ill intention or with gross negligence.

第九十三条 支票的背书、付款行为和追索权的行使,除本章规定外,适用本法第二章有关汇票的规定。
Article 93 In addition to the provisions of Chapter of this Law regarding bills of exchange shall be applicable to endorsement, payment and the exercise of the right of recourse with regard to cheques.

In addition to the provisions of this Chapter, the provisions of Articles 24 and 26 of this Law shall be applicable to issue of cheques.

第五章 涉外票据的法律适用
Application of Law to Negotiable Instruments Involving Foreign Elements

第九十四条 涉外票据的法律适用,依照本章的规定确定。
Article 94 The application of law to negotiable instruments involving foreign elements is determined according to the provisions of this Chapter.

Negotiable instruments involving foreign elements as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the instruments that are issued, or endorsed, or accepted, or guaranteed, or paid either within or outside, the territory of the People's Republic of China.

第九十五条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定。但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。
Article 96 If any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those of this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply; however, provisions on which the People's Republic of China has announced reservations shall excepted.

International practices may be applied to matters for which no provisions are contained in this Law or in any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's republic of China.

第九十六条 票据债务人的民事行为能力,适用其本国法律。
Article 97 As regards the capacity for civil conduct of a person liable for a negotiable instrument, the law of his own country shall apply.

Where a person liable for a negotiable instrument is regarded as one having civil disability or limited civil ability according to the law of his own country, but as one having full civil ability according to the law of the place of his conduct, the law of the place of his conduct shall apply.

第九十七条 汇票、本票出票时的记载事项,适用出票地法律。
Article 98 As regards the particular concerning the date for the issue of bills of exchange or promissory notes, the law of the place of issue shall apply.

As regards the particular concerning the date for the issue of cheques, the law of the place of issue shall apply. However, the law of the place of payment may apply with the agreement of the parties to a cheque.

第九十八条 票据的背书、承兑、付款和保证行为,适用行为地法律。
Article 99 As regards the endorsement, acceptance, payment or guaranty in relation to negotiable instruments, the law of the place where it takes place shall apply.

第九十九条 票据追索权的行使期限,适用出票地法律。
Article 100 As regards the limitation of time for the exercise of the right of recourse, the law of the place of issue shall apply.

第一百条 票据的提示期限、有关拒绝证明的方式、出具拒绝证明的期限,适用付款地法律。
Article 101 As regards the limitation of time for the presentment of instrument, manner of proof of dishonor and the limitation of time for issue of proof of dishonor, the law of the place of payment shall apply.

第一百零一条 票据丧失时,失票人请求保全票据权利的程序,适用付款地法律。
Article 102 In the case of loss of a negotiable instrument, the law of the place of payment shall apply to the procedure for application by the person who lost the instrument for preservation of rights on the instrument.

第六章 法律责任
Legal Responsibility

第一百零二条 有下列票据欺诈行为之一的,依法追究刑事责任:
Article 103 Whoever commits any of the following acts of fraud in relation to negotiable instruments shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law:

(1) forgery or alteration of instruments;

(2) intentional use of forged or altered instruments;

(3) in order to defraud money or property, signing and issuing rubber cheques or intentionally signing and issuing cheques whereon the signature or seal is not in consistency with the reserved specimen of signature or seal;

(4) signing and issuing bills of exchange or promissory notes without a reliable source of funds to defraud money;

(5) in the capacity of a drawer, falsely specifying the particulars on a bill of exchange or promissory note at the time of issue to defraud money or property;

(6) fraudulently using another's instrument or intentionally using an overdue or canceled instrument to defraud money or property; or

(7) in the capacity of a drawer, committing any of the acts mentioned in the preceding six sub - paragraphs through ill - intentioned collusion with the drawer and/or holder.

第一百零三条 有前条所列行为之一,情节轻微,不构成犯罪的,依照国家有关规定给予行政处罚。
Article 104 Whoever commits an act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, if the case is minor and does not constitute a crime, shall be given administrative punishment in accordance with relevant State regulations.

第一百零四条 金融机构工作人员在票据业务中玩忽职守,对违反本法规定的票据予以承兑、付款或者保证的,给予处分;造成重大损失,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 105 Any staff member of a financial institution who, through neglect of his duty, accepts, pays or guarantees a negotiable instrument which is at variance with the provisions of this Law, shall be given administrative sanction; if his act causes heavy losses and thus constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

If losses are caused to the parties to the instrument as a result of the above - mentioned act committed by a staff member of a financial institution, the said institution and the person who is directly responsible shall be liable for the losses according to law.

第一百零五条 票据的付款人对见票即付或者到期的票据,故意压票,拖延支付的,由金融行政管理部门处以罚款,对直接责任人员给予处分。
Article 106 If a drawer intentionally delays paying an instrument payable at sight or a matured instrument, the financial administrative department shall mete out a fine to the drawee and give administrative sanction to the person who is directly responsible.

If losses are caused to the holder due to the intentionally delayed payment, the drawee shall be liable for the losses according to law.

第一百零六条 依照本法规定承担赔偿责任以外的其他违反本法规定的行为,给他人造成损失的,应当依法承担民事责任。
Article 107 Whoever commits an act in violation of the provisions of this Law, except acts for which the doer shall be liable for losses under this Law, and causes losses to others shall bear civil liability according to law.

第一百零七条 本法规定的各项期限的计算,适用民法通则关于计算期间的规定。
Article 108 As regards the calculation of all the time limits stipulated by this Law, the relevant provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law on limitation of time shall apply.

When limitation of time is prescribed in months, it expires on the corresponding day of the month when the instrument matures. If there is no corresponding day, the time limit expires on the last day of the said month.

第一百零八条 汇票、本票、支票的格式应当统一。
Article 109 The forms of bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques shall be unified.

The forms and measures for administration of printing of negotiable instruments and relevant documents shall be prescribed by the People's Bank of China.

第一百零九条 票据管理的具体实施办法,由中国人民银行依照本法制定,报国务院批准后施行。
Article 110 The People's Bank of China shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate specific measures for the administration of negotiable instruments, which shall go into eff, ect after being approved by the State Council.

第一百一十条 本法自1996年1月1日起施行。
Article 111 This Law shall come into force as of January 1,1996

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