当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§ 316.10 肉制品的成分表及官方检验合格标志的标注(Marking of meat food products with official inspection legend and ingredient statement)

§ 316.10 肉制品的成分表及官方检验合格标志的标注(Marking of meat food products with official inspection legend and ingredient statement)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-01-25 15:30:23  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3747
发布文号 9 CFT PART 136
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 根据分章317的规定,检验合格的香肠和其它肠衣类制品应标注成分表及官方检验标识,所有的腌制品均应标注成分表。每1千克肉制品(1千克相当于2.205磅)至少应标注一个检验标识和成分表,但标注恰当的直接容器内的产品可每5kg进行标注。在特殊的情况下,经行政负责人批准,成分表可使用印章、标签等方式予以标注。

  (a) Inspected and passed sausages and other products in casings or in link form, of the ordinary “ring” variety or larger shall be marked with the official inspection legend and list of ingredients in accordance with part 317 of this subchapter. The official marks required by this section shall be branded near each end of the sausage or similar product prepared in casings when the product is of a size larger than that customarily sold at retail intact.

  (b) Inspected and passed sausage and other products, in casings or in link form, of the smaller varieties, shall bear one or more official inspection legends and one or more lists of ingredients in accordance with part 317 of this subchapter on each kilogram (2.205 lbs.) of product, except where such products leave the official establishment completely enclosed in properly labeled immediate containers having a capacity of 5 kilograms (11.025 lbs.) or less and containing a single kind of product: Provided, That such products in properly labeled closed containers exceeding 5 kilograms (11.025 lbs.) capacity, when shipped to another official establishment for further processing or to a governmental agency, need only have the official inspection legend and list of ingredients shown twice throughout the contents of the container. When such products are shipped to another official establishment for further processing, the inspector in charge at the point of origin shall identify the shipment to the inspector in charge at destination by means of Form MP 408-1.

  (c) The list of ingredients may be applied by stamping, printing, using paper bands, tags, or tissue strips, or other means approved by the Administrator in specific cases.

  (d) All cured products shall be marked with the list of ingredients in accordance with part 317 of this subchapter.



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