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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-09-08
核心提示:ALA网站的“消费者联盟”专栏,探讨了那些模糊的具有误导作用的食品标签,注出了一些很常见但是几乎没有任何意义的食品标签。消费者联盟专栏作家Mitch Lipka提到了公共利益科学中心(CSPI)发表的报告:“混乱的食品标签”,该报告长达158页,揭露了食品商使用的几种具有误导性的食品标签。以下就是CSPI在报告中提到的六种常见误导性标签。

1. Lightly-sweetened 轻微甜度
Cereal packages often contain the phrase “lightly sweetened” to suggest less sugar. The Food and Drug Administration has regulations concerning the use of “sugar free” and “no added sugars” but nothing governing the claims “low sugar” or “lightly sweetened.” “Whether Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats Bite Size is lightly sweetened should be determined by federal rules, not the marketing executives of a manufacturer,” says the C.S.P.I. report.

2. A good source of fiber 富含纤维
A number of food marketers now claim their products are a good source of fiber, but C.S.P.I. notes that often the fiber doesn’t come from traditional sources — whole grains, bean, vegetables or fruit — known to have health benefits. Instead, food makers are adding something called “isolated fibers” made from chicory root or purified powders of polydextrose and other substances that haven’t been shown to lower blood sugar or cholesterol.


3. Strengthens your immune system 增强免疫力
Through “clever wordsmithing,” food companies can skirt F.D.A. rules about health claims and give consumers the impression that a product will ward off disease, notes the C.S.P.I. report. Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice claims to “strengthen your immune system with a daily dose of vitamin C.” Green Giant offers an “immunity blend” of frozen vegetables. Nestle’s Carnation Instant Breakfast says it contains “Antioxidants to help support the immune system.”

Ocean Spray牌的蔓越莓汁就号称“天天维c,健康身体。”

Green Giant牌称他们的冷冻蔬菜有着“多种免疫”功能。


4. Made with real fruit 纯正水果加工
Often the “real fruit” is found in small quantities and isn’t even the same kind of fruit pictured on the package. Tropical fruit flavored Gerber Graduates Fruit Juice Treats show pictures of fresh oranges and pineapple. But the main ingredients are corn syrup, sugar and white grape juice concentrate. Betty Crocker’s Strawberry Splash Fruit Gushers don’t contain strawberries — just pear concentrate.

Betty Crocker’s 牌的浓情草莓果糖其实不含草莓,只有梨浓缩汁。

5. Made with whole grains 全谷物
Many products make a whole grain claim even though they often contain refined flour as the first ingredient and the amount of whole grains are minimal. The C.S.P.I. reports that the package of Keebler’s Townhouse Bistro Multigrain Crackers boasts they are made with “toasted whole wheat,” but the ingredient label shows the crackers contain more sugar than whole wheat.
很多产品都声称是百分百谷物成分,可是主要成分却是精致面粉,而且谷物的含量还很低。CSPI的报告中提到Keebler Town House Bistro牌的多谷类饼干,广告上说产品完全由烤制小麦制造,成分表里却显示饼干里糖类比麦还多。

6. All natural 纯天然
Although the F.D.A. has issued several warning letters to firms making misleading “all natural” claims, the agency has never issued formal rules about the term, C.S.P.I. says. As a result, some products containing high fructose corn syrup claim to be “all natural.” One example is Minute Maid Premium All Natural Flavors Berry Punch. “Though glucose and fructose certainly occur in nature, the chemical conversions of cornstarch should not be considered natural,” writes C.S.P.I.


You can read more about label confusion on the WalletPop blog, or click here for a detailed summary of the C.S.P.I. report as well as a link to the full 158 page document.
你可以在the WalletPop blog 查看更多模糊的食品标签,也可以点击这里获得CSPI报告的摘要,或者全部158页的文件。

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