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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-15  来源:爱思英语  作者:foodtrans
 1. Double Up With Exercise


A recent study found that studying a foreign language while exercising can boost your comprehension, as well as your retention of knowledge.This is truly a case of killing two birds with one stone.最近的一项研究发现,练习时学习外语可以提高你的理解力和对知识的保存能力,这确实是一举两得。


2. Be Deliberate With Your Timing


It’s far more effective to practice for 15 minutes a day, every day, than it is to practice for five hours once a week.Spaced repetition is a learning technique that’s been in favor for decades, and it’s been studied and shown to be more efficient than rote repetition.Spaced repetition works because the brain tends to reinforce memories of things it encounters frequently.一天练习十五分钟,每天坚持。这样比每次练习五个小时,一周一次更加有效。间隔性重复是一个受欢迎了几十年的学习技巧,它被研究证明是比死记硬背更有效。间隔性重复有效果是因为大脑更易对经常遇见的事物加强记忆。


3. 360-Degree Immersion


You can change the display language on your computer or phone, watch foreign-language movies and shows, visit websites in your target language.You can also listen to foreign-language podcasts or cover your entire house with post-it notes in your new language.你可以改变你电脑和手机上的显示语言,观看外语电影和节目,访问目标语言的网站。你也可以听外语播客或用你所学的新语言写便条,覆盖你的整个房子。


4. Make It Personal


For the most bang for your buck, you’ll want to start by memorizing the most commonly used words in your new language.Beyond that, you might be better off memorizing vocabulary that pertains to your interests. Not only are you more likely to remember it — but you’re also more likely to use it and talk about it. You can also create neural connections between topics that interest you and the language you’re learning.为了获得最大的收益,你需要先记住你所学的新语言中最常用的单词,除此之外,你最好记住与你兴趣相关的词汇。你不仅更容易记住它,而且你更可能使用它并谈论它。你也可以在你感兴趣的话题和你正在学习的语言之间建立某种联系。


5. Contextualize It


You go further together than you do alone. That’s not just our way of encouraging you to find a study partner, it’s also about creating a larger framework for your learning. Words you learn on their own are easy to forget, but if you study a group of them concurrently in the context of a sentence, you have a much greater ability to grasp the interconnectedness of the language.一起学习比单独行动走得更远。这不仅仅是鼓励你找到一个学习伙伴的方法,而且是为你的学习创造一个更大的框架。你自己单独记忆的单词很容易忘记,但是如果你同时在句子的上下文中学习一组单词,你有更好的能力来把握语言之间的内在联系。


6. Deconstruct It


you can deconstruct a language using six simple key phrases that reveal how verbs are conjugated based on the speaker, the treatment of direct and indirect objects, fundamental sentence structures, noun cases and more.你可以用六个简单的关键短语来解构一种语言,它揭示了动词是如何根据说话者、对直接宾语和间接宾语、基本句子结构、名词例子和更多的词进行组合的。




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