It is hardly necessary to stress the importance of bread as an article of food. It is not only consumed in all countries of the world, but it is also the most acceptable form of food there.
Maurizio in his bock "Grain Foods" refers to bread as the emblem of the highest degree of culture, and gives an interesting account of tbe development of bread from the point of view of cultural history.
Now, wheat which furnishes the material for bread is grown all over the world. Depending on the degree of culture achieved, the form given to the food prepared from wheat also varies greatly. But history demonstrates that in any country which aims at cultural advancement, the final food form arrived at, Is bread.
It is in view of the foregoing that an account bas been attempted here of the plan for a cottage scale bakery.
There are many kinds of bread peculiar to the respective countries. For example, there are French, Russian, German. British and other bread, each of which has its own characteristics in materials, methods of making and tastes.
Bread is bound to become more popular throughout the world.
Raw Material For Bread
Wheat Flour
Wheat flour, the main raw material for bread may broadly be classified into high protein(protein over 11% , medium protein flour(protein 8-11%)and low protein flour (protein below 8%).
Flour which contains proteins when moistened and beaten , form gluten, which is elastic and so helps to hold the air and carbon dioxide in the mixture and make
it light. In bread making the gluten is developed by kneading to form a strong network which sets on baking. Different wheats have varying amounts of gluten but plain flour on the market can be used for bread making, cakes and biscuits.
Whole meal flour can be used for bread making but cakes and pastery will be
coal-se in texture dark in colour.
Generally speaking, high Protein flour is used as a base with medium and low protein floul mixed in appropriate amounts.
There are two kinds of yeast…raw and dry yeast. It is convenient to use
dry yeast because its handling is simple and its preservation easy.
It is important to remember that:
(a)approximately half as much dried yeast as fresh is required in any recipe.
(b) reconstitution is necessary before using dried yeast. This is done by soaking the yeast in lukewarm water (85℉) containing 1/2 oz sugar to 1/2 pint water the water and sugar used for reconstitution should be substracted from the quantities given in the recipe. Sugar can be omitted, but the proving is more necessary than with fresh yeast.
Yeast is a living plant which requires warmth(80-85"F), food and liquid
so that it can live and reproduce The Ingredients and utensils used in bread making and the atmosphere in which the bread is proved must, therefore, be lukewarm; sudden cooling hingers growth and anything hot will kill yeast before it has had time to multiply.
Other Materials
Carbon dioxide is produced in cookery in the following ways:…
(a) By using bicarbonate of soda with something containing acid, such as
cream of tartar, syrup or treacle, or sour milk in for example. ginger
bread and soda cake recipes;
(b) By adding baking powder this consists of an alkali and an acid, and
is capable of producing a certain amount of carbon dioxide. This is the
most accurate method of raising mixtures. All powders should be kept
in airtight jars or tins as they quickly deteriorate if allowed to become
(c) By using yeast which feeds on the sugar in mixtures and produces carbon dioxide. Yeast is used in break making.
As for water, there is no problem generally, if city water is available. However. in the case of drawing water from well, hard water is not desirable.
Water with 5-8 pH is best.
As for the materials for packaging, some countries are using polyethylene.
But many use wax paper or grease proof paper.
Process Description
The plant to manufacture breads involves the following sequence of operation;
l. Air Sifter with Pneumatic Conveyor
Flour should flow into the air sifter to be sifted and to eliminate obstructions and is conveyed to the hopper of the mixer by the pneumatic conveyor.
2. Mixing
Dough is made from flour and such materials as yeast. sugar, salt. jot, yeast food etc. This type of mixer has two steps of speed. low and high. For mass production, a high speed horizontal mixer will be suitable. The dough is fermented in the room for 2 to 4 hrs. and again mixed at this stage.
3. Dough Divider
Mixed dough Is weighed and cut by this machine.
4. Rounder
The weighed and cut dough pieces are carried by the conveyor belt of the dough divider and is rounded with this machine.
5. Proofer Machine
Rounded dough pieces are fermented in this machine under an ideal condition, and these are conveyed by a bucket conveyor to be fermented for about 15 minutes.
6. Moulding Machine
Fermented dough pieces are transferred by shooter and moulded by this machine.
7. Second Fermentation Room
Eased dough pieces on racks are carried into this room which has a temperature of 38-40℃ and humidity of 80-85℃ percent.
8. Oven
Fermented dough pieces are baked by this machine.
9. Cooling Conveyor
Baked products are conveyed by this machine and they are cooled during Conveying.
IO. Slicer & Wrapper
Cooled products are sliced and wrapped automatically.
Manufacturing Characteristics of Bread
Bread is products by making a dough from wheat flour and aerating this with carbon dioxide produced by yeast fermentation. Salt is included in the dough because it regulates the rate of fermentation, toughens the gluten, and prevents the bread from being insipid in taste.
The proportion of water need to make the dough varies with the nature of the flour but usually it is in the region of 15 gallons per 280 lbs. of flour.
The proportion of salt used also varies but it is common practice to use about 5 lbs. per 280 lbs. of flour.
The Proportion of yeast needed depends upon the proposed duration of the Fermentation and can be calculated approximately by dividing 12 by the number of hours that will elapse between the mixing of the dough and the placing of the dough in the oven.
The water need to make the dough is brought to a temperature that will give the finished dough a temperature of 75 to 80"F, the exact temperature required depending upon the proposed length of the fermentation. The necessary water temperature can be arrived at by substracting the temperature of the flour from twice the desired dough temperature.
When bread is to be made by what is known as the straight dough system, the required proportions of flour, yeast, salt, water and any other dough ingredients, such as fat, sugar, bread improvers, are mixed together until a homogeneous dough is obtained and this is then covered over and allowed to ferment in bulk. When about three quarters of the proposed bulk fermentation time has passed the dough is very thoroughly kneaded or 'Knocked back', so as to expel much of the gas and to tighten up the dough. It is then covered once more and allowed to complete its bulk fermentation.
At the completion of the bulk fermentation, the dough is divided into pieces
of the required weight, an operation known as ‘scaling’ and each of these pieces is moulded into a ball. After a short period in which they can recover from the action of the scaling and rounding up, the dough pieces are moulded into the shape required for the type of bread that is to be made.
These finally moulded dough pieces are placed in baking tins and allowed a fermentation period, which is known as "final proof" so that they can become once more inflated with gas. since much of the old gas had been expelled during the moulding operation. The proving period normally occupies from 25 to 40 minutes. according to the type of bread being made.
At the end of this final proof the tins containing the dough pieces are placed in the oven and baked, The baking temperature is 450 to 500℉, and tbe baking time from 40 to 50 minutes.
第十二课 一种最受欢迎的重要食品
酵母有两种:鲜酵母和干酵母。使用干酵母比较方便,因为它贮运简便,也容易保藏。 以下两点值得记住:
(b)干酵母在使用前必须复原。做法是:将酵母浸泡于(1/2盎司糖对1/2品脱水的) 温水(85°F);复原用的糖和水,其量应当从配方所给量中扣除.糖可以不加,但对干酵母进行复水活化则比用鲜酵母时更有必要。
Hardly nessary 几乎没有必要
Refer to…as… 将……比作……
Give an interesting account of 饶有兴趣地描述了……
Set on baking 这里on不是与动词set连接, 而是与后面baking连接
成介词短语,表示: 在烘烤地时候。这里不及物动词
cottage scale bakery 作坊式规模的面包房
plain flour 普通面粉
be bound to 理应;必然;不得不
the atmosphere in which the bread is proved atmosphere:大气;
气围;周围气体。及物动词prove使(面团)发起来。the atmosphere…
have had time to(加动词原形) 已有充分时间进行……;巳及时完成……
in cookery cookery:烹任方法;烹调技术;烹调场所。而cook(烹调)一
bicarbonate of soda soda :碳酸钠;碳酸氢铀;氢氧化铂;氧化钠;(化合
cream of tartar 酒石酸氢钟
baking powder 焙烤粉;发粉
feed on… 以……为食;依靠……生产;取……为养料
city water 城市给水;自来水
air sifter with pneumatic conveyor 带气力输送系统的风筛机
jot 添加剂
eased dough pieces eased是动词ease(变松)的过去分词。eased dough pieces:
rounder 面团揉圆机;面团成圆机
the straight dough system 直接发酵面团制面包法
bread improver 面包改良剂
ferment in bulk 整块发酵;大容量发酵
very thoroughly kneaded
or knocked—back knead: (面团的)捏和;揉捏;knock-back:(发面
scaling 称量;定量
baking tin 烤听;听型烤模
final proof 最后发酵,即面包工业上所谓醒发成型
the proving period 最后发酵阶段;醒发阶段
proofer machine proofer是面团发酵(发起)设备的通称,一般指发酵室,
的面团再度充气.便于以后入炉。Proofer machine
moulding machine 面团成型机
1) Dependine on the degree of culture achieved,the form given to the food prepared from wheat also varies greatly。
the form是句子的主语,given to the…wheat是分词短语,作form的后置定语。其中分词given的逻辑主语是世界各地人们,given to…意为:赋予…,使……具有。句子的谓语是varies。
2) It is in view of the foregoing that an account has been atempted here of the plan for a cottage scale bakery。
It为形式主语(失行词),真正主语是后面出at引导的主语从句。in view of: 按照……的观点;考唁到……。be in riew of…:符合……的观点;是考虑到……的。修饰主语从句主语an account的介词短语of the plan…bakery因太长,故放在谓语的后面。
3) Generally speaking,high protein flour is used as a base with medium and low protein flour mixed in appropriate amounts.
本句中,Generally speaking是插入语。as a base…in appropriate amounts是as短语结构,作主语补足语。在这短语中,with引导的成份实际上是分词短语,作a base的盾置定语用。它的正常语序是mixed with medium and low protein flour in appropriate amounts。
4)After a short period in which they can recover from the action of the scaling and rounding up,the dough pieces are moulded into the shape required for the type of bread that is to be made.
in wkich引出的定语从句修饰介词短语After a short period中的a short period。此定语从句中的they指小面块。谓语动词recover原意为恢复,这里指面坯由于前几道操作的影响产生的回缩,在所说的短时间内得到回复,这在焙烤工业上称为醒发。故有将dough recovery译为面团醒发的。the dough pieces是主句的主语。are moulded into…意为被模制成……。