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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-03-06
核心提示:Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. This means making sure you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or nonfat dairy. Do I need to change what I eat? If

Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. This means making sure you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or nonfat dairy.

Do I need to change what I eat?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may need to talk about nutrition with your doctor:

Has your doctor talked with you about a medical problem or a risk factor, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol?

* Did your doctor tell you that this condition could be improved by better nutrition?

* Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis run in your family?

* Are you overweight?

* Do you have questions about what kinds of foods you should eat or whether you should take vitamins?

* Do you think that you would benefit from seeing a nutritionist? (A nutritionist is a registered dietitian who specializes in nutrition counseling.)

Won't it be hard to change my eating habits?

Probably, but even very small changes can improve your health considerably. The key is to keep trying to eat the right foods and stay in touch with your doctor and nutritionist, so they know how you are doing. Here are a few suggestions that can improve your eating habits:

* Find the strong points and weak points in your current diet. Do you eat 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables every day? Do you get enough calcium? Do you eat whole-grain, high-fiber foods regularly? If so, you're on the right track! Keep it up. If not, try adding more of these foods to your daily diet.
* Make small, slow changes, instead of trying to make large, fast changes. Small changes will be easier to make and stick with.

* Keep track of your food intake by writing down what you eat and drink every day. This record will help you see if you need to eat more from any food groups (such as fruits, vegetables or dairy products) or if you need to eat less of a good group (such as processed or high-fat foods).

* Think about asking for help from a nutritionist if you haven't already done so, especially if you have a medical problem that requires you to follow a special diet.

Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?

Nutrition tips and diets from different sources often conflict with each other. You should always check with your doctor first. Also, keep in mind this advice:

* There is no "magic bullet" when it comes to nutrition. Short-term diets may help you lose weight, but they are difficult to keep up and may even be unhealthy in the long run.

* Good nutrition doesn't come in a vitamin pill. Only take a vitamin with your doctor's recommendation, as your body benefits the most from eating healthy, whole foods.

* Eating a variety of foods is best for your body, so try new foods!
* Stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially in commercials and infomercials, are advertisements. These people are usually paid to endorse what the advertisement is selling. Remember, regained weight or other problems that develop after someone has completed the program are never talked about in those ads.

What changes can I make now in my diet?

Almost everyone can benefit from cutting back on unhealthy fat. If you currently eat a lot of fat, try just one or two of the following changes, or those suggested in our handout on healthier food choices:

* Rather than frying meat, try baking, grilling or broiling. Take the skin off before eating chicken or turkey. Eat fish at least once a week.

* Cut back on extra fat, such as butter or margarine on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings. Use low-fat or nonfat versions of these condiments.

* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables both with your meals and as snacks.

* When eating away from home, watch out for "hidden" fats (such as that in salad dressing and desserts) and larger portion sizes.

* Read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. If you need help reading the labels, ask your doctor or your nutritionist.

* Drink no- or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea and diet soda.

Balanced nutrition and regular exercise are good for your health, even if your weight never changes. Try to set goals that you have a good chance of reaching, such as making one of the small changes listed above or walking more in your daily life.



* 你的医生有没有跟你谈过一些关于疾病问题及危险因素,如高血压或高胆固醇?

* 你的医生是否有跟你说过你的这种健康状况应该通过补充营养素来改善?

* 你的家人有没有犯过糖尿病、癌症、心脏病或骨质疏松?

* 你是否超重?

* 你是否有不知道自己应该吃什么样的食物或自己应该吃些什么维生素等问题?

* 你是否认为咨询营养学家你可以从中受益(营养学家是专业于营养咨询方面的已注册的营养师。)?



* 找出你当前饮食习惯中好的方面和坏的方面。你是否每天喝4~5杯水果蔬菜汁?你每天的钙足够吗?你有没有经常吃粗粮,高纤维的食物?如果有,那恭喜你,这是健康的,请坚持!如果没有,请试着在每餐多增加一些以上提及的食物。

* 循序渐进,慢慢地从小的改变开始,切记不要一下子改变太多。因为小变化比较容易实现和坚持。

* 记录你每天的饮食情况。这些记录可以帮你了解自己是否需要增加其他类型的食物(例如水果,蔬菜或乳产品)或减少一些美食的摄入(例如深加工或高脂肪的食物)。

* 如果你没有按健康的饮食习惯,特别是你有某些需要遵循特别饮食的疾病,请考虑一下向你的营养师寻求帮助。



* 提及营养,是没有“灵丹妙药”的。短期膳食可能会帮你减肥,但是很难保持体重,甚至可能是不健康的。

* 好的营养素不只是维生素。只有当你的饮食全面、健康,才能只服用医生建议服用的维生素片。

* 饮食多样性是对身体有益的。所以,多“尝试”,多健康。

* 那些用过某饮食疗程或某产品的人(特别是在有商业性质的专题广告里),都是广告商的“托儿”。这些人通常都是持“广告卖什么,他们就认同什么”的态度。记住,体重反弹等完成疗程后会出现的问题,在广告里都没有说过。



* 肉,与其炸着吃,不如烤着吃。在吃鸡或火鸡时先把皮去掉。每周保证有一餐鱼肉进膳。

* 去掉多余的肥脂,例如面包上的黄油或人造黄油,烤土豆里的酸奶油,还有沙拉浆。尽量使用低脂或脱脂的上述食品。

* 每餐和点心应吃较多的果蔬。

* 如果在外吃饭,那就要小心那些隐藏的肥脂(例如沙拉和甜点)和食过量。

* 在买食品时,要仔细阅读食品上的营养标签。你也可以咨询你的医师和营养师关于标签上的营养问题。

* 喝无或低热量的饮料,例如水,无糖的茶或苏打水。



关键词: 健康 贴士
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