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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-08-19
核心提示:Our children, of course, are priceless. But they do have a cost: about a quarter-million dollars. 我们的孩子当然是无价之宝。但养育他们确实是需要成本的:大约25万美元。 A new government report estimated that a middle-income family with a child born la

    Our children, of course, are priceless. But they do have a cost: about a quarter-million dollars.


    A new government report estimated that a middle-income family with a child born last year will spend about 1,000 raising that child from birth through age 17, according to the Associated Press. (The number rises to some 2,000 when adjusted for inflation.) The figures don't count the cost of college or childbirth.

    据美联社(Associated Press)报导,一份新的政府报告估计,一个中等收入家庭将去年出生的孩子抚养到17岁将花费大约22.1万美元。(经通胀调整后的数字约为29.2万美元。)这一数字没有计入孩子上大学的费用或生孩子的费用。

    Annual child-rearing expense estimates ranged between 11,610 and 13,480 per-child in married, middle-class family with two children.


    The report, by the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, said that housing was a family's single largest expense, followed by food and the costs of child care and education.

    美国农业部(USDA)的营养政策与宣传中心(Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion)发布的这份报告说,住房是家庭最大支出,其次是食品和孩子的抚养及教育费用。

    Money spent on child-related costs increases as a family's income goes up. For instance, those with an income between ,000 and ,000 spend about 1,000 and those with higher incomes are expected to spend roughly 7,000 through age 17. Costs of raising a child are highest in the urban northeast and lowest in the urban south and rural areas.


    We've written before about the decision to add to the family in tough economic times. How much thought did you give to the cost of raising children in your decision to have a family or to have additional children? What are your biggest costs in raising your children?


关键词: 孩子 英语短文
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