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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-09-03
核心提示:employees are the make or break element of your business. Simply put, an employee can be the reason your customers come back, or stay away. Yet do your employees understand that basic concept? Have you made it clear to each employee that your busine

    employees are the make or break element of your business. Simply put, an employee can be the reason your customers come back, or stay away. Yet do your employees understand that basic concept? Have you made it clear to each employee that your business is their business?

    Do you, or they, understand that marketing your business is also a part of their job?

    Marketing means bring the customer in, bring the customer back. No one is more on the front-lines of this basic marketing concept than the employee. Not even the marketing department that creates and executes your marketing plan.

    Never should your answer be, "that's your problem, not ours"

    When you own a business, the people who represent that business are the people your customers are going to interact with, and respond to.

    In one quick motion, this bookstore lost our business because of one bad employee.

    Had that customer service representative said, "we are sorry that you've had a bad experience, I will let my supervisors know, and we'll get this fixed, please continue to trust us," we might have continued to use them.

    Yes, due to the situation, we continue to use their wi-fi service, but we now bring our own food and drinks, and all future books will be bought online.

    So, whose problem was it?

    Be the customer's answer

    Each and every member of your staff needs to understand that how they interact with the customer is the differnce between that customer coming back or not - and their having a job in the future or not.

    Whether or not we're in a bad economy, people have a choice, and while you may have more customers coming in, why give up the ones you've already earned?

    Your employees, be they housekeeping or front desk, bartender, mail room or custodian, all play a vital role in the health of the business. Each and everyone must understand and be held accountable for their role in marketing.

    Marketing is the message of "we're glad you are here. Please come again." And, mean it.

    Get the job done and get return business

    It's that simple. When a guest asks for something, and no matter why they ask gets the problem solved and job done, you earn the guests' respect and gratitude, and return business.

    Each and every employee must take ownership in the guests you have, and bringing them back.

    The best way to do that is to give the customer what they want. Be the answer. Never turn away a request. Even if it's not something your business can do, there has to be an answer given.

    And, never should the answer to a customer be, "that's your problem."

    雇员是生意场上举足轻重的关键因素,浅显地说,雇员可以导致客户的回归或者流失。但你的雇员是否知道这个简单的道理呢?你有没有清楚明了地告诉雇员公司的业务就是他们分内的职责? 你或你的雇员是否明白营销你的公司同样是工作的一部分呢?所谓营销,就是要引进新客户,寻回老客户。没有人比雇员们更靠近基本营销理念的最前线了,甚至创造和执行营销方案的市场营销部门都要甘拜下风。 

    不管别人问什么,你绝不能回答说:"这是你们的问题,不关我们的事。" 当你拥有一家公司,那些真正代表公司的则是与客户联系沟通的雇员。转眼之间,一个书店就因为一个差劲的雇员,放弃了和你公司的合作。此时客服代表会挺身而出说,"我们很抱歉让您有这样不愉快的经历,我会通知我的上级主管并且解决问题,请继续相信我们。" 好吧,或许我们能够继续使用这个书店,但在这种情况下,即便我们可以使用wi-fi无线上网,却得自带食物饮料,而所有到书只能在网上订购。 

    此时,这一切又成了谁到问题? 回答客户们的问题。 你的每一个雇员都必须明白,他们与客户如何互动是客户是否回头的决定因素,也是他们会不会丢掉工作的指示灯。 

    不管经济是不是萎靡不振,人人都有选择各种服务余地,而当你有新客户加入时,为什么要放弃那些你已经赢得的客户呢? 你的雇员们,不管是清洁员、前台客服、酒保、收发员还是守卫,都在公司的健康运作中扮演重要的角色。每一个人都需要理解这一点,并且在营销中成为一个可靠的角色。 向顾客传播这样的信息:"我们很高兴您的光临,欢迎您再次光临。" 并且真心实意。 

    扎实完成工作,并且赢得回头客。这很简单。当客人询问某事,不管他们发问到原因何在,解决问题完成分内到工作,你就赢得到顾客的尊敬和感激,他们必然会再次合作。 每一个雇员都应当拥有特定的客户群,并且负责把他们变成回头客。其最好的方法就是提供客户所需,解答疑问,从不避开顾客的请求。即使并不是你力所能及,也要给顾客一个合理的解答。


关键词: 优秀雇员 营销 开支
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