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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-08-06  来源:食品翻译中心
1. Whole Grains全麦食物

Menstrual Cycle Food - Whole Grains来大姨妈时必吃的食物——全麦食物。

Whole grains are important throughout the month, but provide many benefits to women during their menstruation cycle. Eat things like oats

and whole wheat to provide your body with lots of B-complex vitamins and vitamin E which all help with mood swings and fatigue. They’re also useful eaten one hour before bed to help with PMS。每天吃全麦食物很重要,除此之外它还能为月经期的女性带来更多益处。吃些燕麦和全麦这样的食物,能为你的身体提供大量的复合维生素B和维生素E,来帮你战胜情绪波动和疲劳感。睡前一小时吃些全麦食物还能帮你减轻经前综合症。

2. Pineapple菠萝

Manganese is another important nutrient for having a healthy menstruation cycle, and pineapple just so happens to be packed full of the stuff. Women who have a sufficient intake of manganese have decreased menstrual flow, which is a really good thing. Pineapple also contains an enzyme known as bromelain that helps in relaxing muscles。锰是能让你拥有健康月经周期的另一种重要营养元素,而菠萝就含有大量的锰元素。摄入足够的锰元素能让女性减少月经量,这可是件好事儿。菠萝还包含菠萝酶,能帮助你放松肌肉。

3. Legumes豆类

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, and other legumes are an excellent choice for lunch or dinner while you’re having your period. Legumes are high in fiber which helps with congestive problems and alleviates water retention by ridding the body of excess fluids. They’re also high in B vitamins which are great for menstrual symptoms。豆子、扁豆、鹰嘴豆、去皮的豌豆及其他的豆类食物,在月经期间都是午饭或晚饭的极佳选择。豆类富含纤维,能帮助减轻充血问题、缓和水肿、消除体内多余的液体。它们也富含B族维生素,这对减轻月经症状是极好的。


There are many benefits to eating yogurt during your menstruation cycle. Of course, the bacterial cultures (all good!) in yogurt help to regulate your gastrointestinal

system, but yogurt is also high in calcium which helps to reduce menstrual pain and discomfort. Just don’t eat too much dairy since it all has arachidonic acids which can contribute to cramping。月经期间喝酸奶有很多益处。众所周知,酸奶中的益生菌能调节你的肠胃系统,另外酸奶也富含钙质,能帮助你减轻痛经和不舒服的感觉。但是不要吃太多乳制品,因为里面含有花生四烯酸,可能会导致痉挛。

5. Broccoli and Kale 西兰花和甘蓝

These super foods are high in antioxidants and loaded with vitamins. But they also contain a lot of calcium which is important for women’s health and helpful for mitigating menstrual pain。这些食物富含抗氧化剂和维生素,而且还含有大量钙质,这对女性的健康来说是非常重要的,能减轻经期疼痛。

6. Miso, Shoyu, or Tamir味噌或酱油

These fermented soy bean products are used to make all sorts of Asian dishes that are delicious and healthy. And the best news is that they can be used in traditional recipes, too, as salt alternatives. And that’ll help with any water retention issues you may be having. 这些经过发酵的豆类产品在亚洲美食中广泛使用,能做出美味又健康的食品。好消息是它们也可以用在我们传统菜谱中,可以作为盐的替代品。它们还能帮你解决水肿的问题。

7. Flaxseed Oil亚麻籽油

High in omega fatty acids (EFAs), flaxseed oil is a wonderful choice for women going through their periods. EFAs help in the formation of prostaglandins, which in turn help to ease cramps。亚麻籽油富含ω-3脂肪酸(必需脂肪酸), 对经期的妇女来说是非常好的的选择。必需脂肪酸有助于生成能缓解抽筋的前列腺素。

8. Water水

Above all else, be sure that you’re drinking enough water during your menstruation cycle. Water amazingly is what you need to ingest in order to fight bloating and fluid retention

which cause aching pains, cramping, and other menstruation symptoms. If you don’t drink enough, your body may overcompensate by retaining fluids。除了上面的这些食物,确保在经期喝足够的水。令人惊讶的是,要想减轻腹胀、痛经、痉挛或其他月经症状,只需要多喝些水,这些月经症状是由腹部肿胀和体液潴留引起的。如果你没有喝足水,你的身体为保持体液可能会矫枉过正。

关键词: 女性健康
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