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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-06-27
核心提示:A A complete range of specifications 规格齐全 A great variety of models 款式多样 A wide selection of colours and designs 花色繁多,种类齐全 Above- the- line cost 线上预算成本 Absolute affirmations 完全确认 Acceptance registration 承接注册,接受登记

A complete range of specifications 规格齐全
A great variety of models 款式多样
A wide selection of colours and designs 花色繁多,种类齐全
Above- the- line cost 线上预算成本
Absolute affirmations 完全确认
Acceptance registration 承接注册,接受登记
Accordion insert折叠广告
Account 客户
Account director 业务主管
Account executive(AE) 客户主任
Account manager 客户代表
Ad. Agent 广告代表人
Ad. Balloon 广告气球
Ad. Column 广告栏
Ad. Craft 广告业者
Ads. on. Vehicles 车载广告
Advertised price 广告价格
Advertisement 广告,做广告
Advertisement balloon 广告气球
Advertising expense 广告费
Advertising fee 广告费
Advertising periodical 广告期刊
Advertising post card 广告明分信片
Advertising project 广告方案
Advertising reserve 广告预算
Album of painting 画册
Ample supply and prompt delivery 货源充足,供应及时
Artist 美工
Attention-getter 广告妙语
Attorney in fact 代理人
Attorneyship 代理权
Attractive and durable 美观耐用
Attractive appearance 造型美观
Attractive designs 款式新颖
Audio-visual counterpoint 音画结合
Authorization 授权,许可
Authorization agent 授权代理人
Available in various designs and specifications for your selection 备有各种款式的现货任你挑选
Backing 背景
Backlighting 逆光
Banner 标题
Bar code 条形码
Basic network 基本网络
Basic price 基础价格
Basic service 基本服务
Before service 售前服务
Behavior identity 企业行为
Below-the –line cost (制作广告)最低费用
Benefit headline 利益性标题
Billboard 招牌广告
Billing (广告)营业额
Black-and –white film, non-color film 黑白片
Blanket contract 一系列广告合作
Bleed page 出血自版页
Block diagram立体图
Block letter 大写印刷字体
Block style 商业文书格式
Body copy 广告正文
Booklet 广告小册子
Brand awareness 品牌知名度
Brand competition品牌竞争
brand development 品牌发展
Brand image 品牌形象
Bright and translucent in appearance 外观光泽透明
Bright in colour 色泽鲜艳
Broad in coverage 报道面广
Broadreach 覆盖率高
Broadsheet 单页印刷广告
Brochure 小册子
Budget 预算
Business license 营业执照
Business publication 商业出版物
Business services guide 商业服务指南
Bust 近景
Capture the attention of the reader 用料精选
Careful-selected materials carrier 载体
Cartoon 动画片
Cash discount 现金支付折扣
Cash price 现金价格
Catalogue price 商品目录价格
Certificates of recognition认证书
Certificates marking of product quality 产品质量认证标志
Channel marketing 经销渠道
Charging measures 收费办法
Charging standards 收费标准
Circulation 读者面
Classification by target audience 目标对象分类广告
Classified advertising 分类广告
Client 客户
Color advertising 彩色广告
Color composition 色彩构图
Color harmony 色彩和谐
Color negative 彩色负片
Color positive 彩色正片
Color sample色标
Colors are striking, yet not vulgar 色彩夺目,迥然不俗
Column inch 栏寸
Commercial campaign 广告战,商战
Consignment 寄售
Consumer attitude 消费者心态
Consumer behavior 消费者行为
Consumption pattern 消费形式
Consumption rate 消费水平
Convenience store 便利商品
Corporate campaign 公司形象广告
Corporate chain 连锁店
Corporate(institutional)copy 公司广告词
Creative 创意
Creative talent (广告)创作策略,创意
Demand 需求
Demand analysis 需求分析
Design of product 产品设计
Designed capacity 设计能力
Developing advertising设计广告
Direct mail(advertising) 邮寄(广告)
Maximum price 最高限价
Select quality 精选品质
关键词: 家具 广告
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