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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-01-09  来源:食品翻译中心
In the US, the head of a college, or school, at a university is called a dean. For example, "Professor Jones is dean of the College of Law at State University." The head of a school that teaches students through the 12th grade is usually called the principal. Some private schools call their head of their school the headmaster. The leader of a team is called the coach. In China, the head of a government department is called minister (eg minister of foreign affairs) while in the US it would be secretary (eg US Secretary of State).
在美国,大学学院的负责人称作"dean"(院长)。比如" Professor Jones is dean of the College of Law at State University. "(琼斯教授是州立大学法学院的院长。)教授1-12年级学生的学校负责人通常称为"principal"(校长)。一些私立学校称学校负责人为"headmaster"(校长)。一个队伍的领导者称为"coach"(队长)。在中国部长称为"minister",如"minister of foreign affairs"(外交部长),而美国则称"secretary",如"US Secretary of State"(美国国务卿)。

国家部委的司长、局长、省属厅局的厅长、局长(chief of the…Department/Bureau);国务院直属局的局长(chief of the…Administration);处长(division chief);科长(section chief);图书馆馆长(chief librarian)等。

国家主席(president);中国社科院、农科院、林科院等科学院的院长(president of the Chinese Academy of…);银行的行长(president of a bank);协会、学会的会长或理事长(president of an association, society or council);法庭的庭长(president of a court);公司的总裁或董事长(president of a corporation or company)等。

学院的院长(head of a college or faculty);大学的系主任(head of the Department of…);县长(head of a county);列车长(head of a train crew);村长(village head);护士长(head nurse);厨师长(head cook)等。

研究所所长 (director of an institute);医院院长(director of a hospital);博物馆馆长(director of a museum);署长、司长、局长(director-general);厂长(factory director)等。

人大常委会的委员长,委员会的主席,行业协会、专业学会、同业公会、同乡会、同学会等的会长(chairman);董事长(chairman of the board,也可用general board,或用chief executive);大学的系主任(chairman,也可用head)等。

军队的班长(squad leader);排长(platoon leader);工作队的队长、组长(group leader);体育代表队的领队(team leader)等。

关键词: 领导
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