鲍鱼 sbalone
清汤鲍鱼 special abalone soup
生炒鲍片 sliced fresh abalone saute
生炒鲜鲍片 sauteed fresh sliced abalone
秋茸鲍片 souteed abalone dwith mushroom
龙须鲍片 braised abalone with asparagus
鱼肚胞片 braised abalone and fish maw
笋衣鲍片 braised abalone with bamboo shoots
鲜鲍虾片 sauteed sliced abalone and prawn
海参鲜鲍片 abalone with sea cucumbers
碧绿鲜鲍 braised sliced abalone with seasonal vegetables
蚝油鲜鲍片 braised abalone in oyster sauce
鸡翅鲍鱼片 braised abalone with chicken wings
蘑菇鲍脯 braised abalone with fresh mushrooms
北菇鲍脯 braised abalone and mushroom
蚝油鲜脯 braised abalone in oyster sauce
青菜鲍脯 brsised abalone with chinese vegetable
鲍脯海三鲜 grilled abalone with three freshin gredients
扒鲍鱼 abalone with cream sauce
红烧鲍鱼 braised abaione in brown sauce
红烧鲍鱼 braised abaione with gravy
红烧鲍脯 braised sliced abalone with brown sauce
红烧鲍鱼 braised sliced abalone
奶油鲍鱼 sliced abalone with cream sauce
奶油鲍鱼 braised abalone in cream sauce
奶油鲍鱼 braised abalone with white gravy#p#分页标题#e#
奶油鲍鱼 stewed abalone with cream sauce
龙井鲍鱼 braised abalone with longjing tea
三鲜鲍鱼 stewed abalone with delicacies
水发鲍鱼 soaked abalone
芦笋鲍鱼 asparagus with abalone
蚝油鲍鱼 braised abalone with oyster sauce
蚝油鲍鱼 sliced abalone with oyster s
笋衣鲍鱼 braised abalone with bamboo shoots
麻酱鲍鱼 braised abalone with sesame sauce
麻酱鲍鱼 sliced abalone with sesame sauce
猴蘑鲍鱼 stewed abalone with mushrooms
麻酱鲍鱼 braised abalone with sesame butter
扒云片鲍鱼 stewed abalone&quail eggs
双味酥鲍鱼肝油 abalone with two flavours
鲍鱼烩三丝 stewed abalone with three shredded
扒鲍鱼龙须 braised sliced abalone with asparagus
广肚烩鲍鱼 braised fish maw with abalone
乌龙扒鲍鱼 stewed abalone &seacucumber
三元鲍贝 stewed abalone with vegetable balls
河蟹 fresh-water crab
蟹肉 croab meat
蟹黄 crab spawn
芙蓉蟹 fried crab with egg white
芙蓉蟹蛋 egg with crab meat
芙蓉蟹斗 egg white-topped crab shell
芙蓉蟹斗 steamed crab meat
芙蓉清蟹 steamed egg white with fresh crab#p#分页标题#e#
姜葱炒肉蟹 saute crab with ginger sauce
蟹粉时菜 green vegetable sprouts with crab meats
清炒蟹粉 fried crab meats
干烧肉蟹 spicy crab,sichuan style
油焗肉蟹 baked crab
清蒸膏蟹 steamed whole sprouts
油酱蟹 fried crab with bean sauce
油酱清蟹 braised crab
姜葱肉蟹 steamed crab with ginger and onion
蟹扒鲜菇 stewed crab and mushrooms
蒸梭子蟹 steamed sea crabs
清蒸肉蟹 steamed alive crabs
清蒸蟹钳 steamed crab claw
蟹肉菠菜 sauteed spinach with crab meat
蟹扒青菜 braised green vegetable with
清蒸玉蟹 steamed crab
清蒸河蟹 ateamed fresh water crab
清蒸肉蟹 steamed crab
清蒸羔蟹 steamed female crab
清蒸羔蟹 steamed crab
蟹肉菜心 sauted vegetable with crab
扒蟹肉菜心 braised cabbage heart with crab meat
香菇炒蟹肉 fried mushrooms with crab meat
香煎芙蓉蟹 pan-fried scramble eggs with crab meat
蟹肉烩燕窝 stewed bird,s nest with crab meat
芙蓉炒蟹粉 fried egg white with crab,shanghai style
蟹肉烩芦笋 braised asparagus with crabs
蟹粉狮子头 steamed pork and crab meat ball#p#分页标题#e#
蟹肉盖菜 sauted vegetable with crab meat
蟹肉烩冬青 fresh crab meat with water gourd
蚧黄炒鲜奶 pan-fried cream of crab with egg and milk
姜葱焗膏蟹 sauted crab with ginger&scallion
蟹肉扒双蔬菜 braised assorted vegetables with crab meat
鱼翅 shark,s fins
红烧排翅 braised shark,s fins with gravy
红烧排翅 braised shark,s fin with brown sauce
干烤排翅 braised shark,s fins
芙蓉鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with egg white
鸡丝鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with shredded chicken
蟹肉鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with crab meat
蟹肉鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with crab meat
蟹肉鱼翅 shark,s fin soup with crab meat
蟹茸鱼翅 crab meat&shark,s fin
蟹黄鱼翅 shark,s fins with crab meats
蟹黄鱼翅 shark,fin soup with crab egg
蟹黄扒翅 braised shark,s fin with crab egg
绣球鱼翅 shark,s fin with minced meat
白汁鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with white sauce
红烧鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with soy sauce
鸡茸鱼翅 chopped chicken and shark,s fins
鸡茸鱼翅 stewed shark,s fin with egg white
燕窝鱼翅 bird,s nest & shark,s fins
扒通天翅 braised whole shark,s fins
三丝鱼翅 braised shark,s fin with shredded three mixtures#p#分页标题#e#
三丝鱼翅 shark,s fins with shredded meats
三丝鱼翅 braised shark,s fins with ham&chicken
肚丝鱼翅 braised shark,s fin and fish maw
腐包鱼翅 shark,sfin wrapped in “yuba”
水发鱼翅 soaked shark,s fins
鸡油排翅 braised shark,s fin with chickenoil
什锦烩翅 braised shark,s fin with chop suey
红烧鲍翅 braised shark,s fins with gravy
鲍丝扒翅 braised shark,s fin with shredded abalone
碧绿扒翅 braised shark,s fin
三丝扒鱼翅 shark,s fin in white sauce
全丝黄焖翅 braised shark,s fin with mixed meat
菜胆炖鲍翅 braised abalone with the heart of chinese cabbage
碧绿大扒翅 braised shark,s fin
红烧蓬菜翅 braised penglai shark,s fins
绘三丝鱼翅 braised shark,s fin with three shreds of seafood
红烧鸡丝鱼翅 shark,s fin soup with shredded chicken
清炖海鲜生翅 braised shark,s fin with seafood
鲍鱼花胶烩生翅 braised shark,s fin with abalone&fish maw
罐焖肚丝鱼翅膀 stewed shark,s fin and fish maw in jar
佛手鱼翅 shark,s fin in buddha,s finger shape
佛跳墙 treasure casserole (Buddhajumped over the wall)
迷你佛跳 buddha jumping over the wall (mied with:abalone,
sea cucumber,fish maw,squid,bird,s egg chicken and scallop)
虾仁海参 stewed sea cucumber with shrimps
蟹肉海参 braised sea cucumber with crab meat
红烧海参 braised sea cucumber#p#分页标题#e#
红烧海参 sea cucumbers with carrot
红烧海参 braised sea cucumber with gravy
蟹粉海参 braised sea cucumbers with crab meat
鱼肚海参 sauted sea cucumber with fish maw
葱烧海参 braised sea cucumber with onions
干烧海参 sauted sea cucumber with hot sauce
酸辣海参 braised sea cucumber in vinegar pepper sauce
酸辣海参 braised sea cucumber with pungent sauce
凤翼海参 braised sea cucumbers with chicken wings
蒜瓣海参 braised sea cucumber with garlic
白汁海参 braised sea cucumber with white sauce
鸡腿海参 braised sea cucumber with chicken legs
鸡鲍海参 braised sea cucumber&abalone with chicken
韭黄海参 braised sea cucumber with xhinese leek
三鲜海参 braised sea cucumbers with mixed meats
绍子海参 braised sea cucumber with minced pork
葱扒海参 braised sea cucumber with long onions
鱿鱼海参 braised sea cucumber&squid in dhicken sauce
三鲜海参 braised sea cucumber with fried dumpling
鲍鱼海参 braised sea cucumbers with abalone
虾子海参 braised sea cucumber with prawn,s spawn
虾子海参 sea cucumber with shrimp,s egg sauce
虾子大乌参 beche-de-er with shrimp roe
水发海参 soaked sea slug
水发海参片 soaked sea slug slice#p#分页标题#e#
家常海参 braised sea cucumber with mustard sauce
家常绍子参 stewed sea cucumber with minced meat
北菇扒海参 braised sea cucumber with black mushrooms
海参鲜海参 braised aliced fresh abalone with sea cucumber
花胶海参 braised abalone with fish maw&sea cucumber
南排杂烩 stewed sea cucmbers with delicious sauce
乌龙吐珠 sea cucumeers snd pigeon eggs
海参锅粑 crisp rice with sea cucumber
鱼圆烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with fish balls
锅粑三鲜 zizzling rice with seafood ingredients
锅粑三鲜 crisp rice with chop suey
川汁海鲜球 sauteed seafood with chilli
干贝 dried scallop
干贝津白 chinese cabbage with dried scallops
兰花干贝 sliced scallop with broccoli
奶油鲜贝 braised scallop with white gravy
韭黄干贝 sliced scallop with yellow leeks
宫保鲜贝 hot spicy stir-fried scallops
鱼香鲜贝 broiled shellfish in shili sauce
油爆鲜贝 sauteed scallops
辣爆鲜贝 saute scallop with chili soup
生炒干贝 sliced scallop with hot pepper
芙蓉干贝 scallops with steamed egg white
芙蓉瑶柱 pan-fried scallop with chives and eggs
芹菜扇贝 sauteed scallop with celey
蚝油扇贝 sauteed scallop with oyster sauce#p#分页标题#e#
翡翠鲜贝 stir-fried scallop with fresh vegetable
鲜贝龙须 stewed scallop with asparagus
鲜贝锅粑 crisp rice with scallop
铁板鲜贝球 grilled fresh scallop meat roll
芙蓉干贝燕窝 brid,s nests with dried scallop and egg white
油瀑鲜带子 pan-fried fresh scallops
豉汁燕带子 steamed scallops with black
宫保鲜带子 fresh scallops, sichuan style
云腿油泡带子 sauteed scallops with chinese ham
生炒鲜带子 sauteed fresh scallop
甲鱼 turtle
红烧甲鱼 braised turtle in soy sauce
红烧元鱼 sauted turtle fish with bamboo&mushroom
竹筒元鱼 stewed turtle in bamboo box
汁蒸元鱼 teamed turtle soup
清蒸元鱼 steamed soft shelled turtle
清纯甲鱼盅 steamed turtle aoup
清纯甲鱼 stewed turtle
凤足炖甲鱼 steamed turtle and chicken,s foot soup
红扒山瑞边 braised cali pash in brown sauce
蒜烧山瑞边 stewed cali pash with garlic
甲鱼裙边煨 stewed cali pash and cali pee with fat pork
家常鱼肚 fish maw,si chuan style
奶汁广肚 stewed fish maw with cream sauce
奶油鱼肚 fried fish maw with cream sauce
菜胆鱼肚 boiled fish maw and heart
蟹粉鱼肚 stewed fish maw with crab meat#p#分页标题#e#
鸡汁广肚 fish maw in chicken sauce
凤凰鱼肚 phoenix-shaped fish maw
上汤广肚 fish maw in clear soup
三鲜广肚 braised fish maw with dhicken, han&bamboo shoo
三鲜广肚 stewed fish maw with delicacies
三鲜烧广肚 grilled fish maw with three fresh ingredients
烩鸡丝鱼肚 fish maw and chicken shreds soup
海蚌 sea clam
爆双鲜花 stir-fried sliced clam &squid
清炒海蚌 plain sauteed sea clam
蒸蛋蛤蜊 steamed dlam with egg
白灼象牙蚌 boiled alive ivory clam
蒜油蒸蛤 steamed clam in garlic oil
川汁爆双鲜 sauteed cuttlefish&squid in sichuan sauce
蒜烧海螺 saute conch with garlic
火爆螺片 stir-fried whelk
大响螺片 large periwinkle
白灼海螺片 scalded sliced conch
炒原壳海螺 stir-fried sliced whelk in shell
三色响螺片 saute colored conch slices
金瓜响螺球 golden pumpkin with periwinkle stuffing
爆炒锅牛 saute snail