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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-04-19
核心提示:麻痹性肠梗阻, paralytic ileus? Mallory-Weiss综合征, Mallory-Weiss syndrome 慢性非化浓性破坏性胆管炎, chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis? 慢性溃疡性结肠炎, chronic ulcerative colitis? 慢性重型肝炎, chronic severe hepatitis? 盲肠

  麻痹性肠梗阻, paralytic ileus?

  Mallory-Weiss综合征, Mallory-Weiss syndrome

  慢性非化浓性破坏性胆管炎, chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis?

  慢性溃疡性结肠炎, chronic ulcerative colitis?

  慢性重型肝炎, chronic severe hepatitis?

  盲肠膀胱扩大术, cecum augmentation cystoplasty?

  盲肠后位阑尾, retrocecal appendix?

  盲肠炎, typhlitis, cecitis

  盲肠造口术, cecostomy?

  盲袢综合征, blind loop syndrome?

  毛石, trichobezoar

  毛植物石, trichophytobezoar?

  Meckel憩室, Meckel diverticulum

  Menetrier病, Menetrier disease?

  门静脉高压, portal hypertension?

  门静脉脓血症, portal pyemia?

  门静脉血栓形成, thrombosis  of portal vein?

  门静脉炎, pylephlebitis?

  门脉性肝硬化, portal cirrhosis?

  门体脑病, portosystemic encephalopathy?

  弥漫性腹膜炎, diffuse peritonitis?

  弥漫性食管痉挛, diffuse spasm of esophagus?

  迷走神经干切断术, truncal vagotomy?

  迷走神经切断术, vagotomy?

  糜烂性胃炎, erosive gastritis?

  米库利兹结肠造口术, Mikulicz colostomy?

  面团感, doughy sensation?

  Murphy征, Murphy sign?

  内镜, endoscope?

  内镜超声检查[术], endoscopic ultrasonography?

  内镜胆管引流[术], endoscopic biliary drainage?

  内镜复位[术], endoscopic reduction?

  内镜检查术, endoscopy?

  内镜逆行胰胆管造影[术], endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography

  内镜取石[术], endoscopic stone extraction technique?

  内镜碎石[术], endoscopic lithotripsy?

  内镜胰管引流[术], endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct?

  内镜粘膜下肿瘤切除[术], endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor?

  内镜治疗[术], therapeutic endoscopy?

  内镜置管[术], endoprosthesis?

  内镜注射治疗[术], endoscopic injection therapy?

  逆蠕动吻合[术], antiperistaltic anastomosis

  凝结物, concretion?

  诺沃克组病毒性胃肠炎, norwalk agents gastroenteritis?

  呕血, hematemesis?

  袢式结肠造口术, loop colostomy?

  喷射性呕吐, projectile vomiting?

  盆腔内吻合巨结肠根治术, rehbein procedure?

  劈裂式肝移植, split liver transplantation

  皮革样胃, leather bottle stomach, linitis plastica?

  脾大, splenomegaly?

  脾功能亢进, hypersplenism

  脾门静脉造影术, splenoportography?

  脾曲综合征, splenic flexure syndrome?

  屁, flatus?

  胼胝性溃疡, callous ulcer, indolent ulcer?

  平坦性病变, flat lesion?

  Plummer-Vinson综合征, Plummer-Vinson syndrome?

  脐肠瘘, omphalo-enteric fistula?

  气腹, pneumoperitoneum?

  气管食管瘘, tracheo-esophageal fistula?

  气囊扩张器, balloon dilator?

  气囊填塞, balloon tamponade?

  气体扩张器, pneumatic dilator?

  气胀, flatulence, gaseous distention?

  气肿性胆囊炎, emphysematous cholecystitis?

  憩室, diverticulum??

  憩室病, diverticulosis

  憩室前期, prediverticular stage?

  憩室切除术, diverticulectomy?

  憩室炎, diverticulitis?

  迁延性肝炎, persistent hepatitis

  前视内镜, forward-viewing endoscope?

  钳夹活检[术], forceps biopsy?

  浅表性胃炎, superficial gastritis??

  腔静脉造影[术], venacavography?

  桥形皱襞, bridging fold?

  倾倒综合征,  dumping syndrome?

  球后十二指肠溃疡, postbulbar duodenal ulcer?

  曲张静脉切除术, varicectomy?

  圈套器, snare?

  圈套烧灼术, snare cautery??

  全部吸收不良, panmalabsorption?

  全结肠切除术, total colectomy?

  全结肠炎, pancolitis?

  全上消化道内镜检查[术], panendoscopy?

  全小肠移植, whole small intestine transplantation?

  全胰十二指肠切除术, total pancreaticoduodenectomy?

  全胰腺移植, whole pancreas transplantation?

  缺血性结肠炎, ischemic colitis?

  热活检, hot biopsy?

  热探头凝固[术], heater probe coagulation

  Gillbert综合征, Gillbert syndrome?

  肉芽肿性胃炎, granulomatous gastritis?

  乳糜性腹膜炎, chyle peritonitis?

  乳糖不耐受[症], lactose intolerance?

  乳糖酶缺乏, lactase deficiency?

  乳头括约肌切开[术], sphincterotomy, papillotomy?

  乳头切开刀, papillotome?

  乳头上部切开, suprapapillary incision?

  三次肝移植, tertiary liver transplantation?

  色素内镜检查[术], dye endoscopy, chromoendoscopy?

  色素性结石, pigmented stone, ?

  Sengstaken-Blakemore管, Sengstaken-Blakemore tube?

  上腔静脉梗阻, obstruction of superior vena cava?

  上腔静脉综合症, superior vena cava syndrome?

  失弛缓症, achalasia?

  十二指肠闭锁, duodenal atresia?

  十二指肠残端漏, duodenal stump leakage

  十二指肠梗阻, obstruction of duodenum?

  十二指肠钩虫病, capillariasis hepatica?

  十二指肠假憩室, pseudodiverticulum of duodenum?

  十二指肠镜检查[术], duodenoscopy?

  十二指肠空肠襻不全旋转, incomplete rotation of duodenojejunal loop

  十二指肠溃疡, duodenal ulcer?

  十二指肠旁疝, paraduodenal hernia

  十二指肠蹼, duodenal web?

  十二指肠胃反流, duodenogastric reflux?

  十二指肠狭窄, duodenal stenosis?

  十二指肠炎, duodenitis?

  食管癌, esophageal carcinoma?

  食管闭锁, esophageal atresia?

  食管穿孔, perforation of esophagus?

  食管恶性黑[色]素瘤, malignant melanoma of esophagus?

  食管腐蚀性灼伤, corrosive burn of esophagus?

  食管环, esophageal ring?

  食管肌层环切延长术, Livaditis procedure?

  食管结核, tuberculosis of esophagus?


  内镜结扎[术], endoscopic rubber banding for esophageal varices

  食管静脉曲张, esophageal varices?

  食管静脉曲张硬化治疗[术], sclerotherapy for esophageal varices?

  食管镜检查[术], esophagoscopy?

  食管空肠吻合术, esophagojejunostomy?

  食管扩张探条, bougie for esophageal dilatation

  食管裂孔疝, hiatus hernia?

  食管裂孔疝修补术, hiatal hernia repair?

  食管内压力测定, intraesophageal manometry?

  食管囊肿, esophageal cyst?

  食管旁疝, paraesophageal hernia?

  食管旁食管裂孔疝, paraesophageal hiatus hernia?

  食管平滑肌瘤摘出术, enucleation of esophageal leiomyoma?

  食管蹼, esophageal web?

  食管憩室, diverticulum of esophagus?

  食管切除术, esophagectomy?

  食管曲张静脉破裂, rupture of esophageal varices?

  食管神经性功能紊乱, neurogenic dysfunction of esophagus?

  食管十二指肠吻合术, esophagoduodenostomy?

  食管酸灌注试验, esophageal acid perfusion test?

  食管探条, esophageal bougie?

  食管胃底吻合术, esophagofundostomy?

  食管胃切除术, esophagogastrectomy?

  食管胃切除术与结肠间置术, esophagogastrectomy with colon interposition?

  食管胃切除术与Roux-en-Y形食管空肠吻合术, esophagogastrectomy with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy?

  食管胃吻合术, esophagogastrostomy?

  食管消化性溃疡, peptic ulcer of esophagus?

  食管炎, esophagitis?

  食管异位软骨, ectopic cartilage of esophagus?

  食管运动功能失调, esophageal motility dysfunction?

  食管粘膜撕裂症, Mallory-Weiss syndrome,  esophageal mucosa laceration?

  食管粘膜息肉, polypus of esophageal mucosa?

  食管重复畸形, duplication of esophagus?

  食管自发性破裂, spontaneous rupture of esophagus?

  食欲缺乏, anorexia?

  柿石, diospyrobezoar, persimmon bezoar?

  嗜酸细胞性胃肠炎, eosinophilic gastroenteritis?

  嗜酸细胞性胃炎, eosinophilic gastritis?

  输入袢综合征, afferent loop syndrome?

  术后胆囊炎, postoperative cholecystitis?

  术后胰腺炎, postoperative pancreatitis?

  术中胆管造影[术], intraoperative cholangiography?

  术中内镜检查[术], intraoperative endoscopy?

  双管结肠造口术, double barrel colostomy?

  双极电凝[术], bipolar electrocoagulation?

  霜斑样病变, “shimofuri” lesion?

  水充盈法, water-filling method?

  水囊法, water-filled balloon method?

  水压扩张器, hydrostatic dilator?

  水样便, watery stool?

  顺蠕动吻合[术], iso-peristaltic anastomosis?

  胎粪性肠梗阻, meconium ileus?

  胎粪性腹膜炎, meconium peritonitis?

关键词: 消化 名词
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