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核心提示:探条扩张[术], bougienage 特发性弥漫性溃疡, idiopathic diffuse ulcer? Turcot综合征, Turcot syndrome 体外肝灌注, extra-corporeal liver perfusion 同期胰肾联合移植, simultaneous pancreas and renal transplantation? 吞气症, aerophagia, air swal

  探条扩张[术], bougienage

  特发性弥漫性溃疡, idiopathic diffuse ulcer?

  Turcot综合征, Turcot syndrome

  体外肝灌注, extra-corporeal liver perfusion

  同期胰肾联合移植, simultaneous pancreas and renal transplantation?

  吞气症, aerophagia, air swallowing?

  吞线试验, string test

  拖出术, pull-through operation?

  脱落法细胞学检查[术], exfoliative cytologic examination?

  脱气水, de-aerated water

  外伤性胰腺炎, traumatic pancreatitis?

  外伤性直肠炎,  traumatic proctitis?

  Witzel胃造口术, Witzel gastrostomy?

  微波凝固[术], microwave coagulation?

  Vim-Silverman针活组织检查, Vim-Silverman needle biopsy?

  萎缩性胃炎, atrophic gastritis

  畏食, sitophobia, sitiophobia?

  胃[肠]石, bezoar

  胃癌, gastric cancer?

  胃半切除术, hemigastrectomy?

  胃部分切除术, partial gastrectomy?

  胃肠出血, gastrointestinal bleeding?

  胃肠道外全面营养, total parenteral nutrition?

  胃肠吻合术, gastroenterostomy?

  胃出口梗阻, gastric outlet obstruction?

  胃次全切除术, subtotal gastrectomy?

  胃底折叠术, fundoplication?

  胃窦切除术, antrectomy?

  胃固定术, gastropexy?

  胃结核, tuberculosis of stomach?

  胃镜, gastroscope

  胃镜检查[术], gastroscopy

  胃空肠结肠瘘, gastrojejunocolic fistula?

  胃空肠吻合术, gastrojejunostomy?

  胃溃疡, gastric ulcer

  胃泌素瘤, gastrinoma?

  胃扭转, gastric volvulus??

  胃旁路术, gastric bypass?

  胃气胀, bloating?

  胃憩室, gastric diverticulum?

  胃切开术, gastrotomy

  胃全切除术, total gastrectomy?

  胃十二指肠吻合术, gastroduodenostomy

  胃食管反流, gastroesophageal reflux

  胃外瘘, gastrocutaneous fistula?

  胃下垂, gastroptosis?

  胃炎, gastritis?

  胃液分析, gastric analysis?

  胃造口术, gastrostomy?

  胃粘膜脱垂, prolapse of gastric mucosa?

  胃重复[畸形], reduplication of stomach?

  胃潴留, gastric retention, ?

  胃灼热, heartburn, pyrosis?

  吻合[术], anastomosis?

  吻合口, anastomotic stoma?

  吻合口溃疡, stomal ulcer, marginal ulcer

  无肝期, anhepatic phase

  无结石胆囊炎, acalculous cholecystitis?

  无菌性腹膜炎, aseptic peritonitis?

  戊型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type E?

  吸收不良, malabsorption?

  吸引活检[术], suction biopsy?

  Hirschsprung病, Hirschsprung disease?

  Hill食管裂孔疝修补术, Hill hiatal hernia repair?

  息肉, polyp

  息肉病, polyposis?

  息肉分块切除[术], piecemeal polypectomy?

  息肉切除[术], polypectomy

  洗胃, gastric lavage

  细菌性腹泻, bacterial diarrhea?

  细菌性肝脓肿, bacterial liver abscess?

  细菌性痢疾, bacillary dysentery, shigellosis?

  先天性胆总管扩张, congenital choledochus dilatation?

  先天性胆总管囊肿, congenital choledochus cyst?

  先天性短食管, congenital short esophagus?

  先天性肥大性幽门狭窄, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?

  先天性肝内胆管扩张, congenital intrahepatic duct dilatation?

  先天性肝囊肿, congenital cyst of liver?

  先天性肝硬化, congenital cirrhosis?

  先天性肛门闭锁, congenital anal atresia?

  先天性肛门狭窄, congenital anal stenosis?

  先天性肛门直肠畸形, congenital ano-rectal malformation?

  先天性家族性非溶血性黄疸, congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice?

  先天性巨结肠, congenital megacolon?

  先天性食管闭锁, congenital esophageal atresia?

  先天性食管狭窄, congenital stenosis of esophagus?

  先天性胃扭转, congenital gastric volvulus?

  先天性吸收不良, congenital malabsorption?

  先天性直肠闭锁, congenital rectal atresia?

  先天性直肠狭窄, congenital stenosis of rectum?

  纤维内镜, fiberendoscope?

  腺瘤性息肉, adenomatous polyp?

  相对面溃疡, kissing ulcer?

  消化不良, dyspepsia, indigestion

  消化内镜[学], digestive endoscopy?

  消化系统结核, tuberculosis of digestive system?

  消化性溃疡, peptic ulcer?

  消化学, digestology

  小肠恶性淋巴瘤small intestinal malignant lymphoma

  小肠梗阻, small intestine obstruction?

  小肠镜检查[术], small intestinal endoscopy?

  小肠溃疡, small intestinal ulcer?

  小肠瘘, small bowel fistula?

  小肠排列术, plication of small intestine?

  小肠炎, enteritis?

  小肠移植, small intestine transplantation?

  小肠淤滞综合征, small intestinal stasis syndrome?

  小儿肝移植, pediatric liver transplantation?

  小儿内镜检查[术], pediatric endoscopy?

  小儿小肠移植, pediatric small intestine transplantation?

  斜视内镜, oblique-viewing endoscope?

  泻药性结肠, cathartic colon

  心源性肝硬化, cardiac cirrhosis?

  新生儿肝炎综合征, neonatal hepatitis syndrome?

  新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎, necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn?

  胸腹膜裂孔疝, bochdalek hernia?

  选择性肝移植, selective-term liver transplantation?

  选择性迷走神经切断术, selective vagotomy?

  血便, bloody stool?

  血管显露, exposed vessel?

  亚急性阑尾炎, subacute appendicitis?

  亚急性重型肝炎, subacute severe hepatitis?

  咽憩室, pharyngeal diverticulum?

  咽食管憩室,  pharyngoesophageal diverticulum

  咽下部憩室, hypopharyngealdiverticulum, ?

  炎性肠病, inflammatory bowel disease?

  炎性息肉, inflammatory polyp?

  一期小肠移植, one-stage small intestine transplantation?

  胰胆管汇合异常, malfusion of pancreatobiliary ducts?

  胰岛素瘤, insulinoma, insuloma?

  胰岛细胞瘤, islet cell tumor?

  胰功能不全, pancreatic insufficiency?

  胰管梗阻, pancreatemphraxis?

  胰管结扎式胰腺移植, duct-ligation pancreas transplantation?

  胰管镜检查[术], pancreatoscopy?

  胰管填塞式胰腺移植, duct obstruction pancreas transplantation?

  胰管未汇合, non-fusion of pancreatic ducts?

  胰结核, tuberculosis of pancreas?

  胰空肠吻合术, pancreaticojejunostomy?

  胰瘘, pancreatic fistula?

  胰肾联合移植, combined pancreas and renal transplantation?

  胰十二指肠切除术, pancreaticoduodenectomy?

  胰十二指肠移植, pancreas-duodenal transplantation?

  胰石, pancreatolith, pancreatic calculus?

  胰石病, pancreatolithiasis?

  胰腺创伤, pancreatic trauma?

  胰腺分裂, pancreas divisum?

  胰腺钙化, calcification of pancreas?

  胰腺假囊肿, pancreatic pseudocyst?

  胰腺囊肿, pancreatic cyst?

  胰腺脓肿, abscess of pancreas??

  胰腺外瘘, external fistula of pancreas?

  胰腺炎, pancreatitis?

  胰腺移植, pancreas transplantation?

  胰腺异位, heterotopic pancreas?

  胰腺周围脓肿, peripancreatic abscess?

  胰源性腹水, pancreatic ascites?

  移动性盲肠, mobile caecum?

  移植胰假性囊肿, graft pancreatic pseudocyst?

  移植胰胰瘘, graft pancreatic fistula?

  移植胰胰腺炎, graft pancreatitis?

  乙型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type B?

  乙状结肠膀胱, sigmoid conduit?

  乙状结肠膀胱扩大术, sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty, ?

  乙状结肠结核, tuberculosis of sigmoid colon?

  乙状结肠镜检查[术], sigmoidoscopy?

  异位肝移植, heterotopic liver transplantation?

  异位小肠移植, heterotopic small intestine transplantation?

  异位胰腺移植, heterotopic pancreas transplantation?

  饮食过多, hyperphagia?

  隐肛, covered anus?

  隐窝炎, cryptitis?

  隐源性肝硬化, cryptogenic cirrhosis?

  印片法细胞学检查[术], imprint cytologic examination?

  应激性溃疡, stress ulcer?

  硬化性胆管炎,  sclerosing cholangitis?

  硬式内镜, rigid endoscope?

  永久性结肠造口术, permanent colostomy?

  幽门闭锁, pyloric atresia?

  幽门成形术, pyloroplasty?

  幽门梗阻, pyloric obstruction?

  幽门管溃疡, pyloric canal ulcer??

  幽门环变形, deformity of pyloric ring?

  幽门肌切开术, pyloromyotomy?

  幽门蹼, pyloric web?

  幽门前瓣膜, prepyloric diaphragm?

  幽门狭窄, pyloric stenosis?

  游动胆囊, floating gallbladder

  右半结肠切除术, right hemicolectomy?

  幼年性息肉, juvenile polyp?

  淤胆型肝炎, cholestatic hepatitis?

  预备性切开, precutting?

  原发性胃食管反流, primary gastro-esophageal reflux?

  原发性移植肝无功能, primary liver graft nonfunction?

  原位肝移植, orthotopic liver transplantation?

  原位旁肝移植, paratopic liver transplantation?

  原位旁胰腺移植, paratopic pancreas transplantation

  原位小肠移植, orthotopic small intestine transplantation?

  再次肝移植, secondary liver transplantation?

  暂时性结肠造口术, temporary colostomy?

  增生性胆囊炎, hyperplastic cholecystitis?

  增生性胃病, hyperplastic gastropathy?

  增生性息肉, hyperplastic polyp?

  粘连性腹膜炎, adhesive peritonitis?

  粘膜不平, uneven mucosa?

  粘膜桥, mucosal bridge?

  粘膜切除术, mucosectomy?

  粘膜缺乏光泽, lack of mucosal luster?

  粘膜皱襞杵状肥大, clubbing of mucosal fold?

  粘膜皱襞前端变细, tapering of mucosal fold

  粘膜皱襞中断, abrupt ending of mucosal fold?

  粘液样便,  mucoid stool?

  脂肪肝, fatty liver?

  蜘蛛痣, spider angioma?

  直肠膀胱一结肠腹壁造口术, rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy?

  直肠固定术, proctopexy, rectopexy?

  直肠后脓肿, retrorectal abscess?

  直肠后拖也吻合巨结肠根治术, duhamel procedure?

  直肠环钳吻合术, ring clamp anastomosis of rectum

  直肠肌鞘拖出吻合巨结肠根治术, soave procedure?

  直肠镜检查[术], proctoscopy??

  直肠瘘, rectal fistula?

  直肠膨出, rectocele?

  直肠切除术, proctectomy?

  直肠烧灼, rectal burning?

  直肠损伤, rectal injury?

  直肠脱垂, rectal prolapse?

  直肠狭窄, stricture of rectum?

  直肠炎, proctitis?

  直肠乙状结肠镜检查[术], proctosigmoidoscopy?

  直肠阴道瘘, rectovaginal fistula?

  直肠指检, digital rectal examination?

  直肠周围脓肿, perirectal abscess?

  直视下活检[术], direct vision biopsy?

  植物石, phytobezoar?

  中肠扭转, midgut volvulus?

  中毒性肝硬化, toxic cirrhosis?

  舟状腹, scaphoid abdomen?

  皱襞集中, converging folds?

  自发性腹膜炎, spontaneous peritonitis?

  自发性胃穿孔, spontaneous perforation of stomach?

  自体小肠移植, autologous small intestine transplantation?

  最大酸排出量, maximal acid output?

  左半结肠切除术, left hemicolectomy?

  Zollinger-Ellison综合征, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome?

  坐骨直肠窝脓肿, ischiorectal abscess?

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