A vitamin pill a day could help keep old age at bay, according to a nutritional expert.
Many illnesses of ageing, from cancer to heart disease, are linked to deficiencies in common vitamins and minerals.
Even ageing itself might be accelerated by an unhealthy diet.
But an over-reliance on fast food means not everyone is getting all the nutrients they need.
To address the problem, biochemist Bruce Ames yesterday called for men and women to take a multi-vitamin and mineral pill every day.
Dr Ames told the American Association for Advancement of Science's conference in Boston that studies showed shortages of vitamins and minerals are linked to a host of late-life diseases.
Low magnesium intake has been linked to bowel cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis, while lack of vitamin D is associated with breast, bowel and prostate cancers.
Calcium deficiency has been associated with diabetes-lack of potassium to heart disease, and low vitamin B12 intake is linked to multiple sclerosis.
Lack of nutrients may also accelerate ageing itself, with Dr Ames's own work showing that over-the-counter dietary supplements can boost both energy and memory in elderly rats.
Dr Ames, of the Children's Hospital Oakland in California, said it was likely our bodies make the best use of vitamins and minerals when they are scarce.
When in short supply due to poor diet, nutrients are ploughed into keeping the body going in the short-term - at the expense of a healthy old age.
But he claimed decades of initiatives to improve people's diets had failed and it might be "easier to convince them" to take cheap vitamin pills instead.
Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, he acknowledged that taking too many vitamins can cause illnesses.
But he said that the benefits to public health far outweighed the risks.