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核心提示:The benefits, and the costs, of living longer IT IS written in the Bible's Book of Genesis that Methuselah lived to be 969. He held the record, but there seem to have been plenty of other multicentenarians around at the time, including Noah and old

    The benefits, and the costs, of living longer

    IT IS written in the Bible's Book of Genesis that Methuselah lived to be 969. He held the record, but there seem to have been plenty of other multicentenarians around at the time, including Noah and old Adam himself. Their ages are not to be taken literally. In another part of Genesis, man's lifespan is put at a mere 120 years. The person with the longest documented life in modern times, Jeanne Calment, reached 122, but no one else has come close.

    In most of recorded history even the more familiar three score years and ten was rare. Angus Maddison, an economic historian, has estimated that life expectancy during the first millennium AD averaged about 25 years (which in practice meant that lots of children died very young and many of the rest survived to middle age). The big turnaround came with the industrial revolution, mainly because many more children survived into adulthood, thanks to better sanitation, more control over epidemics, improved nutrition and higher living standards.

    By the beginning of the 20th century average life expectancy in America and the better-off parts of Europe was close to 50, and kept on rising. By mid-century the gains from lower child mortality had mainly run their course. The extra years were coming from higher survival rates among older people. The UN thinks that life expectancy at birth worldwide will go up from 68 years at present to 76 by 2050 and in rich countries from 77 to 83. (These are averages for both sexes; women generally live five or six years longer than men, for reasons yet to be fathomed). Most experts now agree that there will be further rises, but disagree about their extent.

    Things fall apart

    Some of them argue that the human lifespan is finite because bodies, in effect, wear out; that most of the easy gains have been made; and that the rate of increase is bound to slow down because people now die mostly of chronic diseases-cancer, heart problems, diabetes-which are harder to fix. They also point to newer health threats, such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, bird flu and swine flu, as well as rising obesity in rich countries-to say nothing of the possibility of fresh pandemics, social and political unrest and natural disasters.

    Nearly 30 years ago James Fries at Stanford University School of Medicine put a ceiling of 85 years on the average potential human life span. More recently a team led by Jay Olshansky at the University of Illinois at Chicago said it would remain stuck there unless the ageing process itself can be brought under control. Because infant mortality in rich countries is already low, they argued, further increases in overall life expectancy will require much larger reductions in mortality at older ages. In Mr Olshansky's view, none of the life-prolonging techniques available today-be they lifestyle changes, medication, surgery or genetic engineering-will cut older people's mortality by enough to replicate the gains in life expectancy achieved in the 20th century.

    Blessing or curse?祝福还是诅咒?

    That may sound reasonable, but the evidence points the other way. Jim Oeppen at Cambridge University and James Vaupel at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock have charted life expectancy since 1840, joining up the figures for whatever country was holding the longevity record at the time, and found that the resulting trend line has been moving relentlessly upward by about three months a year. They think that by 2050 average life expectancy in the best-performing country could easily reach the mid-90s.

    Rises in life expectancy have been habitually underestimated because it seemed unlikely that the improvement could go on for ever, and just as regularly the figures have had to be revised soon afterwards. Some experts now think there may be no theoretical limit at all, pointing to the huge rise in the number of centenarians in the past few decades. In America they are the fastest-growing section of the population, with an increase from 3,700 in 1940 to over 100,000 now.

    Why are people living ever longer? Robert Fogel at the University of Chicago, a Nobel prize-winner in economics, reckons that improved medical care and technology are only part of the answer. Another part, he thinks, is something he has dubbed "technophysio evolution". Over the past few centuries humans have developed more resilient physiques because they gained unprecedented control over their environment and their living conditions. Western people's average body size has increased by 50% over the past 250 years. Larger body size (but not obesity), Mr Fogel's research has shown, is associated with better health and longer life.

    But modern life has its downsides too. Stress is often seen as a life-shortening factor-though perhaps the effects are not as lethal as some people think, or else the Japanese, who are famous for working long hours, would not have the highest life expectancy in the world.

    Another hazard of affluence is getting fat. Around 10-20% of the adult population in many rich countries, and over 30% in America, are now clinically obese. Overweight people are at greater risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, type-II diabetes and other life-shortening ailments-though it is not yet clear whether the effects are strong enough to cancel the trend to greater longevity.

    And life expectancy can go down as well as up. In much of eastern Europe it started dropping in the 1980s in response to the upheaval in the region, and despite a subsequent slight recovery it has still not regained the level of the 1960s.

    People almost everywhere could extend their life spans further just by doing a few sensible things, such as not smoking, drinking only in moderation, eating lots of fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise. Educated folk are better at keeping to such rules, and as a group they live markedly longer than those with only basic schooling. Richer people, unfairly, also live longer than less well-off ones, even in the developed world.

    But all this is tinkering at the edges. Mankind's dream has been to conquer ageing altogether, and scientists are working on it. Spare-part surgery to replace worn-out bits of the anatomy is already well-established and will get better with the use of stem-cell technology. For a more general effect, experiments on rodents have shown that a severely restricted but balanced diet can increase their lifespan by about 30%. But nobody knows whether this would work in humans, and even if it did, there might be few takers.

    The longer-term hope is to find a way of switching off the ageing process by manipulating the appropriate genes, which in theory could make people near-immortal (though they could still die of accidents and diseases). But if that were feasible, the consequences would need to be carefully thought through. In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", the hero meets a tribe of immortals, the Struldbruggs, who far from being wise and serene turn out to be a miserable lot: "Whenever they see a funeral, they lament and repine that others have gone to a harbour of rest to which they themselves never can hope to arrive."

    Hale and hearty

    People in the rich world can now expect to live, on average, more than a quarter of a century longer than they did 100 years ago. Is that a blessing or a Struldbruggian curse? Clearly it depends on whether they become old and frail at the same age as before and just limp on for much longer, or if the extra years are hale and hearty ones.

    Most of the evidence supports the more cheerful view. Research led by Kenneth Manton at Duke University found that in recent years disability above the age of 65 in America has been falling significantly. In other rich countries the picture is more mixed. When the OECD recently looked at 12 member countries, it found clear signs of a recent decline in disability in elderly people in only five of them (including America). But other studies produced more optimistic results.

    By and large, people do now seem to remain in good shape for longer. Moreover, the period of ill health that usually precedes the final goodbye has got shorter in the past few decades, which demographers call "compression of morbidity" (as a rule of thumb, the bulk of spending on an individual's health care is concentrated in the last year or two of life, and particularly in the final six months). This compression has a variety of causes, including the shift from manual to physically less demanding white-collar work, rising levels of education and much-improved health care and medical technology, from keyhole surgery to heart pacemakers. Eighty, it is said, is the new 65.

    But even fairly fit older people need more health care than younger ones, not least because they often suffer from chronic diseases that are expensive to treat. In the EU, one estimate puts health-care spending on the elderly at about 30-40% of total health spending. So will the better health of an ageing population, good as it has been for so many, impose unaffordable costs on public-health budgets?

    Over the past few decades all OECD countries have seen their health spending grow considerably faster than their economies. Ageing populations will add further momentum to that growth. Howard Oxley, a health-care expert at the OECD, reckons that increased spending on health and long-term care for the elderly could amount to an extra three-and-a-half percentage points of rich countries' GDP by the middle of the century-and a lot more if spending on medical technology continues to go up at current rates.

    Measured by spending on health care as a share of GDP, America already tops the list, shelling out the equivalent of more than 15% of GDP (see chart 4). The American government's health-care spending will be hugely affected by ageing because of Medicare, the state-funded health-care programme for the elderly and disabled, and Medicaid, the programme for the poor (and often also old, because it covers long-term care).

    President Barack Obama is determined to reform his country's health-care system to improve coverage and, eventually, drive down costs. More money does not always produce better results. People in America are less healthy and die sooner than in Britain, which proportionately spends little more than half as much on its health care. According to David Cutler, an economics professor at Harvard who has advised the president on the reform, even doctors believe that around 30% of money spent on health care in America is wasted.

    Peter Orszag, head of the Office of Management and Budget, has recently been praising the work of a group of medical experts at Dartmouth Medical School, led by Elliott Fisher, which has been compiling an atlas of regional variations in American medical practice and health-care spending, mainly for people on the Medicare programme. It found that in 2006 Medicare spending varied more than threefold across American hospital referral regions. Again, higher spending does not seem to result in better care or greater patient satisfaction. Because the system has encouraged the provision of lots of doctors, specialists, hospitals and expensive diagnostic kit, all of them are kept busy without much regard to results.

    The trouble with health care in America, says Muriel Gillick, a geriatrics expert at Harvard Medical School, is that people want to believe that "there is always a fix." She argues that the way Medicare is organised encourages too many interventions towards the end of life that may extend the patient's lifespan only slightly, if at all, and can cause unnecessary suffering. It would often be better, she thinks, not to try so hard to eke out a few more hours or weeks but to concentrate on quality of life.

    Take care

    But long before they get to that point, growing numbers of old people will become less able to look after themselves and need more care. Across the OECD, spending on long-term care is already equivalent to around 15% of total health spending and is rising fast. The great bulk of that care-an estimated 80%-is still provided by family and friends, the traditional source of support for the elderly. But more women are going out to work, so fewer of them have time to look after old folk and formal help is becoming increasingly important.

    In most developed countries only a small minority of over-65s-between 3% and 6%-live in institutions. Keeping old people in nursing homes or hospitals is expensive, staff is hard to find, and in any case most people would much rather be looked after at home. Many countries are now providing grants to adapt homes, paying families for the care they provide and supplying helpers to give a hand with things like dressing and bathing.

    With far more people reaching a great age, a lot more such care will be needed in future. How will it be paid for? A few far-sighted countries-including Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Japan-have already introduced mandatory long-term-care insurance schemes. Others may have to follow.

    圣经的创世纪中写到玛土撒拉活了969岁。他一直保持着这一长寿记录,不过那时似乎有许多几百岁的老人,诺亚和老亚当自己也在其中。当然没人会把这些当真。在创世纪的另一部分,人类的寿命仅为120岁。现代有记录的最长寿命者是Jeanne Calment,他活到了122岁,此外无人能与他匹敌。

    在绝大多数历史记载中,就连较为常见的古稀老人都很少。经济史专家Angus Maddison估计,公元后一千年的时间里,人类的平均寿命约为25岁(实际上,这意味着许多儿童年幼夭折,而剩余的则活到中年).这种情况在工业革命后发生了巨大转变,主要由于更多儿童能够长大成人,这要归功于良好的卫生状况、对传染病的控制、人们的营养状况改善以及生活水准提高。

    20世纪开始时,美国和欧洲比较富裕地区的平均寿命已经接近50岁。到20世纪中期,平均寿命的增长得益于儿童死亡率一直保持在较低的水平;此后则缘于初老期死亡率的降低。联合国预计,在全球范围内,出生时的平均预期寿命将从现在的68岁上升到2050年的76岁;在富裕国家,则将从77岁上升到 83岁。(这些数字包括男女在内;一般女性总是比男性多活五到六年,原因还不得而知。)现在的多数专家同意人类平均寿命会继续增加,但对增加多少却有不同看法。



    约30年前,斯坦福大学医学院的James Fries把人类平均寿命的可能上限定为85岁。最近芝加哥伊利诺伊大学Jay Olshansky领导的一个小组称,除非衰老的过程本身能得到控制,否则平均寿命的上限将停滞不前。他们认为,富裕国家的婴儿死亡率已经很低,要想进一步增加总体平均寿命,就要大大降低初老期的死亡率。在Olshansky先生看来,目前没有一种延长寿命的技术--无论是改变生活方式,药物,手术还是基因工程--能大量减少初老期老人的死亡率,做到象20世纪那样大幅提高平均寿命。

    Blessing or curse?祝福还是诅咒?

    他们的观点听上去颇为合理,但事实却与此相反。剑桥大学的Jim Oeppen和马克斯?普朗克人口研究所(位于德国的罗斯托克)的James Vaupel把1840年以来的平均寿命制成图表,加入每个时期的长寿记录,无论保持这一纪录的是哪个国家。他们发现得出的趋势线持续每年上移3个月。他们预计,到2050年,表现最好的国家平均寿命能轻易达到95岁左右。


    为什么人类活得更长了?诺贝尔经济学奖得主、芝加哥大学的Robert Fogel觉得医疗保健的改善和科技发达只是部分答案。他把另一部分原因称为"技术性体格进化".过去几个世纪,由于人类对环境和生活条件获得了前所未有的控制力,人体的适应性增强。西方人的平均体型在过去250年增加了50%.Fogel的调查显示,更大的体型(并非肥胖)与良好的健康、更长的寿命都有关系。









    多数证据支持更令人鼓舞的那种看法。由杜克大学的Kenneth Manton主持的研究发现,近几年,美国65岁以上行为能力丧失的老人人数大为减少。在其他富裕国家,情况则更为复杂。最近经合组织对其12个成员国进行调查,发现其中5个国家(包括美国)丧失行为能力的老人明显减少。但其他研究却显示更为乐观的结果。



    过去几十年中,所有经合组织国家的健康支出远比它们的经济增长更快。老龄化人口则会进一步推动这种趋势。经合组织的卫生保健专家Howard Oxley推测,在老年人健康和对他们长期照顾方面所增加的支出,到本世纪中期,将达到富有国家GDP的 3.5%;而且这种支出还会大为增加--如果用于发展医疗技术的费用以现有速度继续增加的话。


    总统巴拉克?奥巴马决心改革美国的医疗保健系统,以达到提高覆盖面、最终降低成本的目的。更多投入并非总能产生更好的结果。美国人不如英国人健康也不如他们活得长,而按比例算,英国人的医保支出只相当于美国人的一半略多。据哈佛大学的经济学教授David Cutler说,就连医生也认为美国约30%用于医保的钱是浪费掉的。Cutler教授曾就医保改革向总统提出建议。

    行政管理和预算局局长Peter Orszag最近频频表扬达特茅斯医学院以Elliott Fisher为首的一群医学专家,他们一直在编辑一张地图,以反映美国医疗实践以及医保支出的地区性差异,而医保支出主要用于老年医疗保健制度。他们发现,在美国有推荐医院的地区,2006年老年医疗保健制度的支出翻了3倍。因为该制度鼓励提供更多医生、专家、医院、价值不菲的诊断器械,但所有这些资源都徒劳无益地处于忙碌状态。这再次说明更高的支出未必意味着对病人更好的照顾和更高的病人满意度。

    哈佛医学院老年病学专家Muriel Gillick说,美国医疗保健的症结在于人们想要相信"总有治疗之道。"她指出老年医疗保健制度鼓励过度干预老人的临终生活,就算这能延长病人的生命,也极为有限,而同时却使病人承受不必要的痛苦。她认为很多情况下,竭尽全力使病人多活区区几小时或几周不如将精力花在提高他们的生活质量上。





关键词: 人口 老龄化 长寿者
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