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肥胖专题之好书推荐:《The CarbLovers Diet》

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2010-12-30  来源:Fox News  作者:xslynn编译
核心提示:曾想过吃自己喜欢的食物也能减肥吗?如果你的新年愿望是一定要在2011年减肥成功,就让《健康》杂志畅销书《The Carblovers Diet》助你一臂之力吧。该书于2010年8月份出版,一周后即登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜。

If living without pasta and bread, or giving up cheese and bacon make losing weight difficult, the latest diet books may provide some incentive to drop that added holiday weight.

Instead of deprivation, restricting food groups or counting calories, new weight loss plans offer different approaches to slimming without feeling hungry.

"It's really a diet that brings food back on to the plate that people thought they were not allowed to eat," said Ellen Kunes, the editor-in-chief of Health magazine and a co-author with dietician and nutrition expert Frances Largeman-Roth of "The CarbLovers Diet."

Unlike other weight-loss plans that restrict carbohydrates, at least initially, the core of the CarbLovers diet is carbs and resistant starch, an ingredient in bananas, oatmeal, beans and lentils, wholegrain pasta, barley, brown rice, peas, polenta, potato chips and rye and pumpernickel bread - foods the authors have been dubbed "carbstars."

"It acts like a fiber in the body and it does not get absorbed in the small intestine, and also at the same time it triggers fat-burning enzymes and helps to feel fuller," Kunes explained about resistant starch.

The 28-day diet includes a kickstart phase with carb-filled recipes totaling 1200 calories a day, followed by a 21-day immersion plan during which foods such as steak, French toast and chocolates are reintroduced.

Followers of the diet lost up to six pounds (2.7 kilos) in the first week and 50 pounds (22.7 kilos) over five months, according to the authors.

"The best thing you can do is to incorporate good carbs back on to your plate and that is the secret to losing weight and keeping it off," said Kunes.



《健康》杂志总编辑埃伦.奎恩斯说,“它将那些不允许想要减肥的人食用的食物重新摆进餐盘。”她和饮食营养学专家弗朗西丝.罗斯一起合著了《The CarbLovers Diet》这本书。

跟其他减肥计划要限制碳水化合物(至少一开始是这样的)的摄入理念恰恰相反的是,《The CarbLovers Diet》的核心即碳水化合物和抗性淀粉——存在于香蕉、燕麦片、黄豆和扁豆、全粒粗面食、大麦、糙米、豌豆、玉米糊、薯片、黑麦和裸麦粗面包等食品中的一种成分,作者称之为carbstars。




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